Economia de Piata
Mari Economisti
Nicholas Kaldor, 1908-1986
Nicholas Kaldor s-a nascut in Budapesta. A studiat in Model
Gymnasium din Budapesta si la London School of Economics. A fost profesor in
aceasta (1932-1947) si, posterior, in Kings College din Cambridge.
si keynesist, s-a specializat in dezvoltarea economica, fiind consultant
al diferitor tari subdezvoltate. A fost si consultant economic al guvernului
laborist si consilier al trezoreriei.
elaborat un model de crestere stabila ce complementeaza modelul lui R.F. Harrod
si E.D. Domar, conciliind rata de crestere "garantata" cu rata de
crestere "naturala".
Teoria sa de
distributie a presupus o depasire a optimului
paretian. Considera ca o schimbare in distribuirea venitului ar permite ca
cei care beneficiaza de el ii vor compensa din plin pe cei prejudiciati,
rezultatul ar fi o crestere a produsului si a bunastarii generale.
Apasati aici pentru a
vedea cartile puse in vanzare ale lui
Nicholas Kaldor
- "The Case Against Technical Progress", 1932, Economica
- "The Determinateness of Static Equilibrium", 1934, RES
- "The Equilibrium of the Firm", 1934, EJ
- "Market Imperfection and Excess Capacity", 1935, Economica
- "Pigou on Money Wages in Relation to Unemployment", 1937, EJ
- "Welfare Propositions in Economics", 1939, EJ
- "Speculation and Economic Stability", 1939, RES
- "Capital Intensity and the Trade Cycle", 1939, Economica
- "A Model of the Trade Cycle", 1940, EJ
- "Professor Hayek and the Concertina Effect", 1942, Economica
- "The Relation of Economic Growth and Cyclical Fluctuations",
1954 EJ
- An Expenditure Tax, 1955. Versión castellana Un
impuesto al gasto, Ed. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1960.
- "Alternative Theories of Distribution", 1956, RES
- "A Model of Economic Growth", 1957, EJ
- "Monetary Policy, Economic Stability, and Growth", 1958.
- "Economic Growth and the Problem of Inflation", 1959, Economica.
- "A Rejoinder to Mr. Atsumi and Professor Tobin", 1960, RES
- "Keynes's Theory of the Own-Rates of Interest", 1960, in
- Essays on Value and Distribution, 1960. Versión
castellana Ensayos sobre el valor y la distribución, Ed. Tecnos,
Madrid, 1973.
- Essays on Economic Stability and Growth, 1960.
Versión castellana, Ensayos sobre estabilidad y desarrollo económico,
Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1969.
- "Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth", 1961, in Lutz,
editor, Theory of Capital
- "A New Model of Economic Growth", with James A. Mirrlees, 1962, RES
- "The Case for a Commodity Reserve Currency", with A.G. Hart and
J. Tinbergen, 1964, UNCTAD
- Essays on Economic Policy, 1964, two volumes.
Versión castellana, Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Ed. Tecnos,
Madrid, 1971.
- Causes of the Slow Rate of Economic Growth in the UK , 1966.
- "The Case for Regional Policies", 1970, Scottish JE.
- "The New Monetarism", 1970, Lloyds Bank Review
- "Conflicts in National Economic Objectives", 1970, EJ
- "The Irrelevance of Equilibrium Economics", 1972, EJ
- "What is Wrong with Economic Theory", 1975, QJE
- "Inflation and Recession in the World Economy", 1976, EJ
- "Equilibrium Theory and Growth Theory", 1977, in Boskin, editor,
Economics and Human Welfare.
- "Capitalism and Industrial Development", 1977, Cambridge JE
- Further Essays on Economic Theory, 1978.
- "The Role of Increasing Returns, Technical Progress and Cumulative
Causation...", 1981, Economie Appliquee
- "Fallacies on Monetarism", 1981, Kredit und Kapital.
- The Scourge of Monetarism, 1982.
- "The Role of Commodity Prices in Economic Recovery", 1983, Lloyds
Bank Review
- "Keynesian Economics After Fifty Years", 1983, in Trevithick and
Worswick, editors, Keynes and the Modern World
- Economics Without Equilibrium, 1985.