Morishima, 1923-
Nascut la Osaka si educat la
Universitatea din Kyoto. Profesor la Universitatea din
Kyoto (1950) si la cea din Osaka (1951). Obtine un ajutor de la Rockefeller
Foundation ce-i permite sa viziteze de-a lungul a doi ani Universitatile din Oxford
si Yale. Se transfera definitiv in Marea Britanie in 1968, ca profesor de Economie,
mai intai la Universitatea din Essex
si in final la London School of Economics.
Morishima este un
economist matematic. Combina metode ale teoriei echilibrului general competitiv,
cu analiza input-output si ale dinamicii economice pentru studierea cresterii
economice. Entuziast al modelului expansiunii economice al lui John von Neumann,
a facut multe eforturi pentru a privi teoriile altor economisti- Ricardo,
Marx, Walras si Hicks-
din punctul de vedere al lui von Neumann.
A ajutat si la cunoasterea
mutuala dintre culturile economice anglo-saxone si cea a Japoniei.
Alte lucrari ale lui Michio Morishima
- "On the Laws of Change of the Price System in an Economy which
Contains Complementary Goods", 1952, Osaka EP.
- "Consumer Behavior and Liquidity Preference", 1952, Econometrica.
- "An Analysis of the Capitalist Process of Reproduction", 1956, Metroeconomica.
- "Notes on the Theory of Stability of Multiple Exchange", 1957, RES.
- "A Contribution to the Non-Linear Theory of the Trade Cycle",
1958, ZfN.
- "A Dynamic Analysis of Structural Change in a Leontief Model",
1958, Economica.
- "Prices Interest and Profits in a Dynamic Leontief System",
1958, Econometrica.
- "Some Properties of a Dynamic Leontief System with a Spectrum of
Techniques", 1959, Econometrica.
- "Existence of Solution to the Walrasian System of Capital Formation
and Credit", 1960, ZfN.
- "On the Three Hicksian Laws of Comparative Statics", 1960, RES.
- "A Reconsideration of the Walras-Cassel-Leontief Model of General
Equilibrium", 1960, en Arrow, Karlin y Suppes, editores, Mathematical
Methods in the Social Sciences.
- "Economic Expansion and the Interest Rate in Generalized von Neumann
Models", 1960, Econometrica.
- "Proof of a Turnpike Theorem: The `No Joint Production' Case",
1961, RES.
- "Aggregation in Leontief Matrices and the Labor Theory of Value",
with F. Seton, 1961, Econometrica.
- "Generalizations of the Frobenius-Wielandt Theorems for Non- Negative
Square Matrices", 1961, J of London Mathematical Society.
- "The Stability of Exchange Equilibrium: An alternative approach",
1962, IER.
- Equilibrium, Stability and Growth: A multi-sectoral analysis, 1964.
- "A Refutation of the Non-Switching Theorem", 1966, QJE.
- "A Few Suggestions on the Theory of Elasticity", 1967, Keizai
- Theory of Economic Growth, 1969.
- "A Generalization of the Gross Substitute System", 1970, RES.
- "Consumption-Investment Frontier, Wage-Profit Frontier and the von
Neumann Growth Equilibrium", 1971, ZfN.
- The Working of Econometric Models, with others, 1972.
- Marx's Economics: A dual theory of value and growth, 1973.
- Theory of Demand: Real and monetary with others, 1973.
- The Economic Theory of Modern Society, 1973.
- "The Frobenius Theorem, Its Solow-Samuelson Extension and the Kuhn-Tucker
Theorem", con T. Fujimoto, 1974, JMathE.
- Walras's Economics: A pure theory of capital and money, 1977.
- Value, Exploitation and Growth with G. Catephores, 1978.
- "The Cournot-Walras Arbitrage Resource Consuming Exchange and
Competitive Equilibrium", con M. Majumdar, 1978 in Hommage a
Francois Perroux.
- "The Good and Bad Uses of Mathematics", 1984, in Wiles and Routh,
editors, Economics in Disarray.
- Economics of Industrial Society, 1984.
- Ricardo's Economics, 1989.
- Why Has Japan Succeeded? Western technology and the Japanese ethos.
- "General Equilibrium Theory in the 21st Century", 1991, EJ.
- Capital and Credit: A new formulation of general equilibrium theory,
- "Capital and Growth", 1994,
en Homouda, The Legacy of Hicks.
- Dynamic Economic Theory, 1996.