Economia de Piata
Mari Economisti
Kalecki, 1899-1970
polonez. Se pare ca mare parte din principiile stabilite de Keynes
in 1936 au fost publicate de Kalecki... in poloneza. In anii 30, totusi, este
recunoscut pe plan mondial si are influenta si dispune de recunoastere in scoala
keynesiana de la Cambridge, in special intre membrii
sai cei mai apropiati ai marxismului cum sunt J.
Robinson si N. Kaldor.
Lucrari ale lui Michal Kalecki
Apasati aici pentru
a vedea
cartile puse in vanzare ale lui
Michal Kalecki
- "Mr Keynes's Predictions", 1932, Przeglad
- An Essay on the Theory of the Business Cycle,
- "Essai d'une theorie du mouvement cyclique des
affaires", 1935, Revue d'economie politique.
- "A Macrodynamic Theory of Business Cycles",
1935, Econometrica.
- "The Mechanism of Business Upswing", 1935, Polska
- "Some Remarks on Keynes's
Theory", 1936, Ekonomista.
- "A Theory of the Business Cycle", 1937, RES.
- "A Theory of Commodity, Income and Capital
Taxation", 1937, EJ.
- "The Principle of Increasing Risk", 1937, Economica.
- "The Determinants of Distribution of the National
Income", 1938, Econometrica.
- Essays in the Theory of Economic Fluctuations,
- "A Theory of Profits", 1942, EJ.
- Studies in Economic Dynamics, 1943.
- "Political Aspects of Full Employment", 1943,
Political Quarterly.
- "Professor Pigou on the Classical Stationary State",
1944, EJ.
- "Three Ways to Full Employment", 1944 in Economics
of Full Employment.
- "A Note on Long Run Unemployment", 1950, RES.
- Theory of Economic Dynamics: An essay on cyclical
and long- run changes in capitalist economy, 1954.
- "Observations on the Theory of Growth", 1962,
- Studies in the Theory of Business Cycles, 1933-1939,
- "The Problem of Effective Demand with Tugan-Baranovski
and Rosa Luxemburg", 1967, Ekonomista.
- "The Marxian Equations of Reproduction and Modern
Economics", 1968, Social Science Information.
- "Trend and the Business Cycle", 1968, EJ.
- "Class Struggle and the Distribution of National
Income", 1971, Kyklos.
- Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist
Economy, 1933-1970, 1971.
- Selected Essays on the Economic Growth of the
Socialist and the Mixed Economy, 1972.
- The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism,
- Essays on Developing Economies, 1976.