Axel Leijonhufvud (1933-)
Axel S. B. Leijonhufvud s-a nascut la Stockholm, Suedia. S-a
licentiat la Universitatea din Lund (1960) si Pittsburg (1961) si-a luat
doctoratul la Northwestern University (1967). Lucreaza in Departamentul de
Economie al UCLA.
Teza sa de doctorat On Keynesian Economics and the
Economics of Keynes (Despre
economia keynesiana si economia lui Keynes) a scos in relief diferenta
existenta intre ceea ce a spus Keynes si
modelele pe care Hicks, Samuelson
si atatia altii construisera si le-au dat drept keynesianism oficial. Astfel ca
in textele lui Keynes se gaseste o economie a dezechilibrului, cu o atentie
speciala pentru persistenta somajului, in timp ce sintezele elaborate de catre
succesorii sai se intorc la obsesia neoclasica pentru echilibru.
Astazi lucreaza in simulari de modele economice pe
calculator , in special de modele evolutive.
personala pe Internet a lui Axel Leijonhufvud
Lucrari ale lui Axel Leijonhufvud
- "Keynes and the Keynesians: A suggested
interpretation", 1967, AER.
- On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes:
A study in monetary theory, 1968.
- "Keynes and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy",
1967, Western EJ.
- Keynes and the Classics: Two lectures.
- "Notes on the Theories of Markets", 1970, Intermountain
- "Life Among the Econ", 1973, Western EJ.
- "Say's Principle: What it means and doesn't mean",
with R.W.Clower, 1973, Intermountain ER.
- "Effective Demand Failures", 1973, Swedish
- "The Coordination of Economic Activities: A
Keynesian Perspective", with R. Clower, 1975, AER.
- "Schools Revolutions and Research Programmes in
Economics", 1976, in Latsis, editor, Method and Appraisal in
- "Costs and Consequences of Inflation", 1977,
in Harcourt, editor, Microeconomic Foundations of Macro.
- "The Wicksell Connection: Variations on a theme",
1981, in Leijonhufvud below.
- Information and Coordination: Essays in
macroeconomic theory, 1981.
- "Ideology and Analysis in Macroeconomics, 1985, in
Koslowski, editor, Economics and Philosophy.
- "Towards a Not-Too-Rational Macroeconomics",
1993, Southern EJ.