Fecha recibido: 02/08/2021 | Fecha publicado: 23/06/2022 | Fecha corregido: 05/04/2022 |Autores
Ortega Vera Bryan José, Jeverson Santiago Quispe Gaibor
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el identificar la incidencia de la deontología y los principios deontológicos presentes en algunos artistas musicales ecuatorianos; se planteó, distinguir si la ética profesional tiene un aporte negativo o positivo dentro de los géneros musicales ecuatorianos; para este estudio, se utilizó el método basado en la recolección de datos bibliográficos a través de la técnica del registro anecdótico, lo cual permitió conocer el comienzo de estos artistas y como empezaros sus carreras en pequeños concurso que les brindaron la oportunidad de grabar sus primeros discos y giras a nivel local e internacional; el presente escrito se realizó tomando en cuenta tres partes, la primera se realiza un análisis de los principales conceptos de la deontología y los principios deontológicos, seguidamente se realizó una investigación sobre algunos artistas ecuatorianos que probablemente fueron los más influyentes en la música ecuatoriana y finalmente se ejecutó un análisis comparativo para destacar el aporte deontológico; es así; que se concluyó que la ética profesional es muy importante para que los cantautores puedan cumplir con sus objetivos y expresar sus sentimientos hacia sus fanáticos.
Palabras clave: deontología, música, artistas, ética, identidad nacional.
Throughout the history of Ecuadorian music there were some musical genres that were probably very popular and even internationally recognized some singer-songwriters like Julio Jaramillo whose songs were heard in some places in Latin America. For this reason, it was decided to investigate this topic because in some singer-songwriters such as: Carlota Jaramillo, Fresia Saavedra, Laura Mendoza, Gerardo Moran and Juan Fernando Velasco in whom professional ethics can be found, which will result in good results to be able to express their sentiments to his fans. For this, the “Academic Google” search engine was used to collect information about the lives of these artists and how they began their careers in small competitions in which they were given the opportunity to record their first albums and have some tours throughout the country and in some cases at an international level, taking into account participations with other artists for the benefit of many people. The most important thing is professional ethics, because every professional has a social purpose and it must be analyzed why they chose to exercise that profession, finally one of the most popular genres in Ecuador was the Ecuadorian corridor which represented the soul of the Ecuadorian people, being a poem that is sung and the love of the woman, the mother, etc. is expressed. Although at present new musical genres are emerging to the liking of new generations, but some songs from the Ecuadorian corridor can be heard on radio stations or restaurants.
Keywords: deontology, music, artists, ethics, national identity.