William F. Sharpe (1934-)
Premiu Nobel
Economist nordamerican, a studiat la UCLA unde a
fost discipolul lui Armen A. Alchian si a obtinut
doctoratul in 1961. Lucreaza ca investigator in RAND Corporation si ca profesor la
Universitatea din Washington (Seatle), la Universitatea din
California in Irvine si la
Stanford University.
Obtine Premiul Nobel in Economie in 1990,
impartindu-l cu Harry M. Markowitz si Merton
M. Miller pentru lucrarile sale pioniere in teoria economica financiara.
Pe Internet:
Autobiografia la
Fundatia Nobel
de presa la acordarea Premiului Nobel
- The Economics of Computers,
- The Columbia University Press (New York), 1969.
- Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets,
- McGraw-Hill Book Company (New York), 1970.
- Introduction to Managerial Economics,
- Columbia University Press, 1973.
- BASIC: An Introduction to Computer Programming
Using the Basic Language,
- (Third Edition, with Nancy L. Jacob), The Free Press (New
York), 1979.
- Asset Allocation Tools,
- (Second Edition), The Scientific Press, 1987.
- Investments
- (Sixth Edition,w ith Gordon J. Alexander and Jeffrey V.
Bailey), Prentice-Hall, 1999.
- Fundamentals of Investments
- (Thifd Edition, with Gordon J. Alexander and Jeffrey V.
Bailey), Prentice-Hall, 2000.
- "A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis,"
- Management Science, January 1963, pp. 277-293.
- "Capital Asset Prices - A Theory of Market
Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk,"
- Journal of Finance, September 1964, pp.
- "Risk-Aversion in the Stock Market - Some
Empirical Evidence,"
- Journal of Finance, September 1965, pp.
- "Mutual Fund Performance,"
- Journal of Business, January 1966, pp.
- "A Linear Programming Algorithm for Mutual Fund
Portfolio Selection,"
- Management Science, March 1967, pp. 499-510.
- "Mean-Absolute Deviation Characteristic Lines for
Securities and Portfolios,"
- Management Science, October 1971, pp.
- "A Linear Programming Approximation for the
General Portfolio Analysis Problem,"
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
December 1971, pp. 1263-1275.
- "Risk, Market Sensitivity and Diversification,"
- Financial Analysts Journal, January/February
1972, pp. 74-79.
- "Risk-Return Classes of New York Stock Exchange
Common Stocks, 1931-1967,"
- (with Guy M. Cooper), Financial Analysts Journal,
March/April 1972, pp. 46-54, 81, 95-101.
- "The Capital Asset Pricing Model: Traditional and
'Zero-Beta' Versions,"
- Journal of the Midwest Finance Association,
1973, pp. 1-12.
- "Bonds Versus Stocks: Some Lessons From Capital
Market Theory,"
- Financial Analysts Journal, November/December
1973, pp. 74-80.
- "Imputing Expected Returns From Portfolio
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
June 1974, pp. 463-472.
- "Adjusting for Risk in Portfolio Performance
- Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 1975.
- "Closed-end Investment Companies in the United
- (with Howard B. Sosin), European Finance
Association, 1974 Proceedings (B. Jacquillat, Editor), North-Holland,
1975, pp. 37-63.
- "Likely Gains From Market Timing,"
- Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 1975,
pp. 60-69.
- "Risk, Return and Yield: New York Stock Exchange
Common Stocks, 1928-1969"
- (with Howard B. Sosin), Financial Analysts Journal,
March/April 1976, pp. 33-42.
- "Corporate Pension Funding Policy,"
- Journal of Financial Economics, June 1976, pp.
- "The Capital Asset Pricing Model: A 'Multi-Beta'
- Financial Decision Making Under Uncertainty,
(Haim Levy and Marshall Sarnat, Editors), Academic Press (New York), 1977,
pp. 127-136.
- "Bank Capital Adequacy, Deposit Insurance, and
Security Values,"
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
November 1978, pp. 701-718.
- "Duration and Security Risk",
- (with Ronald Lanstein) Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, November 1978, pp. 653-668.
- "Decentralized Investment Management,"
- Journal of Finance, May 1981, pp. 217-234.
- "Bank Capital Adequacy, Deposit Insurance, and
Security Values
- Risk and Capital Adequacy in Commercial Banks,
(Sherman J. Maisel, Editor), University of Chicago Press, 1981, pp. 187-202.
- "Some Factors in New York Stock Exchange Security
Returns, 1931-1979,"
- Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 1982,
pp. 5-19.
- "Optimal Funding and Asset Allocation Rules for
Defined-Benefit Pension Plans",
- (with J. Michael Harrison), Financial Aspects
of the United States Pension System , (Zvi Bodie and John B. Shoven,
Editors), The University of Chicago Press (Chicago), 1983, pp. 91-105.
- "Factor models, CAPMs, and the APT,"
- Journal of Portfolio Management, Fall 1984,
pp. 21-25.
- "Practical Aspects of Portfolio Optimization,"
- Improving the Investment Decision Process:
Quantitative Assistance for the Practitioner and for the Firm, Dow-Jones
Irwin (Homewood, Illinois), 1984, pp. 52-65.
- "Financial Implications of South African
- (with Blake R. Grossman)Financial Analysts Journal,
July/August 1986, pp. 15-29.
- "An Algorithm for Portfolio Improvement,"
- Advances in Mathematical Programming and
Financial Planning, (K.D. Lawrence, J.B. Guerard, Jr., and Gary D.
Reeves, Editors), JAI Press, Inc., 1987, pp. 155-170.
- "Integrated Asset Allocation,"
- Financial Analysts Journal, September/October
1987, pp. 25-32.
- "Dynamic Strategies for Asset Allocation",
- (with Andre Perold), Financial Analysts Journal,
January/February 1988, pp. 16-27.
- "Determining a Fund's Effective Asset Mix,"
- Investment Management Review, November/December
1988, pp. 59-69.
- "Asset Allocation,"
- Managing Investment Portfolios, A Dynamic
Process, (John L. Maginn and Donald L. Tuttle, Editors), Warren,
Gorham & Lamont, 1990, pp. 7-1 through 7-71.
- "Investor Wealth Measures and Expected Return,"
- Quantifying the Market Risk Premium Phenomenon
for Investment Decision Making, The Institute of Chartered
Financial Analysts, 1990, pp. 29-37
- .
- "Liabilities -- A New Approach,"
- (with Lawrence G. Tint), Journal of Portfolio
Management, Winter 1990, pp. 5-10.
- "Capital Asset Prices with and without Negative
- Journal of Finance, June 1991, pp. 489-509.
- "Policy Asset Mix, Tactical Asset Allocation and
Portfolio Insurance,"
- Active Asset Allocation, State-of-the-Art
Portfolio Policies, Strategies & Tactics, (Robert D. Arnott and
Frank J. Fabozzi, Editors), Probus Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 115-133.
- "Asset allocation: Management style and
performance measurement,"
- Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 1992,
pp. 7-19.
- "International Value and Growth Stock Returns,"
- (with Carlo Capaul and Ian Rowley) Financial
Analyst's Journal, January/February 1993, pp. 27-36.
- "The Sharpe Ratio,"
- Journal of Portfolio Management, Fall 1994,
pp. 49-58.
- "Nuclear Financial Economics,"
- Risk Management: Problems & Solutions,
(William H. Beaver and George Parker, editors), McGraw-Hill, 1995, pp.