Tjalling C. Koopmans (1910 - 1986)
Premiu Nobel 1975
Tjalling Charles Koopmans s-a nascut la Gravelinas, Olanda. La inceputul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial a emigrat in Statele Unite unde a capatat nationalitatea. A obtinut Premiul Nobel in economie in 1975, impartindu-l cu economistul rus Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich pentru contributiile sale la teoria optimii localizari a resurselor.
Koopmans a
studiat fizica si matematica la Universitatea din Utrecht si si-a luat
doctoratul in statistica si economie la Universitatea din Leiden. A fost
consultant financiar al Societatii Natiunilor de la Geneva (1938-1940). A fost
profesor la Universitatile din Chicago
(1946-1955) si Yale. Director al Comisiei Cowles (1944-1954) si membru al
Fundatiei Cowles in Yale (1961-1967).
Linear Regression Analysis of Economic Time Series, 1937.
"The Logic of Econometric Business Cycle Research", 1941, JPE.
"Statistical Estimation of Simultaneous Economic Relations", 1945, JASA
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"Measurement without Theory", 1947, REStat.
"A Reply to Vining", 1949, REStat.
"Identification Problems in Economic Model Construction" 1949, Econometrica
"Optimum Utilization of the Transportation System", 1949, Proceedings of the International Statistical Conference
"The Econometric Approach to Business Fluctuations", 1949, AER.
"Utility Analysis of Decisions Affecting Future Well-Being", 1950, Econometrica
Editor of Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Models, 1950.
"The Identification of Structural Characteristics" with O. Reiersol, 1950, Annals of Mathematical Statistics
"Efficient Allocation of Resources", 1951, Econometrica.
"A Model of Transportation", with S.Reiter, in Koopmans, 1951.
"Analysis of Production as an Efficient Combination of Activities", in
Koopmans, 1951.
Editor of Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation, 1951.
"Activity Analysis and Its Applications", 1953, AER.
Three Essays on the State of Economic Science, 1957.
"Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities" with
M.J. Beckmann, 1957, Econometrica
"Water Storage Policy in a Simplified Hydroelectric System" 1957, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operational Research
"Selected Topics in Economics Involving Mathematical Reasoning" with
A.F. Bausch, 1959, SIAM Review
"Stationary Ordinal Utility and Impatience", 1960, Econometrica.
"Convexity Assumptions, Allocative Efficiency and Competitive
Equilibrium", 1961, JPE.
"On Flexibility of Future Preferences", 1964 in Bryan and Shelley,
editors, Human Judgments and Optimality.
"Economic Growth at a Maximal Rate", 1964, QJE.
"Stationary Utility and Time Preference", with P. Diamond and R.E.
Williamson, 1964, Econometrica.
On the Existence of a Subinvariant Measure" with R.E. Williamson, 1964, Proceedings of
Konnikl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetenschappen
"On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth", 1965, Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia
"Intertemporal Distribution and Optimal Aggregate Economic Growth", 1967, in
Fellner, editor, Ten Economic Studies in the Tradition of Irving Fisher.
"Objectives, Constraints and Outcomes in Optimal Growth Models", 1967,
"Note on a Social System Composed of Hierarchies with Overlapping
Personnel", 1969, Orbis Economicus.
"Maximizing Stationary Utility in a Constant Technology" with R.
Beals, 1969, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics
Scientific Papers of Tjalling C. Koopmans, Volume I, 1970.
"A Model of a Continuing State with Scarce Capital", 1971, ZfN
"On the Description and Comparison of Economic Systems" with J.M.
Montias, 1971, in Eckstein, editor, Comparison of Economic Systems.
"On the Definition and Computation of a Capital Stock Invariant Under
Optimization", with T. Hansen, 1972, JET
"Representation of Preference Ordering with Independent Components of
Consumption", 1972, in McGuire and Radner, editors, Decision and
"Representation of Preference Orderings Over Time", 1972, in McGuire and
Radner, editors, Decision and Organization.
"Some Observations on Optimal Economic Growth and Exhaustible
Resources", 1973, in Bos et al, editors, Economic Structure and
"Is the Theory of Competitive Equilibrium With It?", 1974, AER.
"Proof for a Case where Discounting Advances Doomsday", 1974, RES.
"Concepts of Optimality and their Uses", 1977, AER.
"Examples of Production Relations Based on Microdata", 1977, in G.C. Harcourt, editor, Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics
"Economics Among the Sciences", 1979, AER.
"The Transition from Exhaustible to Renewable or Inexhaustible
Resources", 1981, in Economic Growth and Resources
"Additively Decomposed Quasiconcave Functions", with G. Debreu, 1982, Mathematical
Scientific Papers of Tjalling C. Koopmans, Volume II, 1985.
"Constancy and Constant Differences of Price Elasticities of Demand" with H.
Uzawa, 1990, in Chipman et al., editors, Preferences, Uncertainty, and Optimality