Terence W. Hutchison (1912-)
Terence Wilmot Hutchison este un economist britanic, ce a studiat la Cambridge si la London School of Economics. A fost profesor la Universitatea din Birmingham si la L.S.E. Principalele sale contributii sunt in campul metodologic. Este empiric si discipol al lui Karl Popper.
In decada anilor 30, Terence W. Hutchison initiaza o critica agresiva la adresa metodei obisnuite intre economisti argumentand ca in timp ce teoria economica este bazata pe logica ipotetico-deductiva, s-ar putea ajunge la tautologii, cerand sa se elaboreze propuneri ce ar putea fi contracarate in mod empiric. Din acel moment si in toata opera sa a mentinut polemici ce l-au infruntat pe F.H. Knight, L. Robbins, F. Machlup, economistii austriaci si ricardieni.
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Intre alte onoruri, a fost numit "Distinguished Fellow" al History of Economics Society in 1984.
- "A Note on Tautologies and the Nature of Economic Theory", 1935, RES
- "Theoretische Ökonomie als Sprachsystem", 1937, ZfN
- "Expectation and Rational Conduct", 1937, ZfN
- "Note on Uncertainty and Planning", 1937, RES
- The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economic Theory, 1938.
- "Reply to Professor Knight", 1941, JPE
- "Some Questions About Ricardo", 1952, Economica
- "Ricardo's Correspondence", 1953, Economica
- "James Mill and the Political Education of Ricardo", 1953, Cambridge Journal
- A Review of Economic Doctrines, 1870-1929, 1953.
- "Professor Machlup on Verification in Economics", 1956, Southern EJ
- "Jeremy Bentham as an Economist", 1956, EJ
- "Methodological Prescriptions in Economics: a reply", 1960, Economica
- `Positive' Economics and Policy Objectives, 1964.
- "Testing Economic Assumptions: a comment", 1966, JPE
- Economics and Economic Policy in Britain, 1946-1966, 1968.
- "Economists and Economic Policy in Britain after 1870", 1969, HOPE
- Knowledge and Ignorance in Economics, 1977.
- On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge, 1978.
- "Review of Hayek", 1979, EJ
- The Politics and Philosophy of Economics: Marxians, Keynesians and Austrians, 1981.
- Before Adam Smith: the emergence of political economy, 1981.
- "Turgot and Smith", 1982, in Bordes and Morange, Turgot, Economiste et Administrateur
- "The Politics and Philosophy in Jevons' Political Economy", 1982, Manchester School
- "From Dismal Science to Positive Economics: A century-and-a- half of progress?", 1983, en Wiseman, editor, Beyond Positive Economics
- "A Methodological Crisis?", 1983, en Wiles and Routh, editores, Economics in Disarray
- "On the Interpretation and Misinterpretation of Economists", 1985, en Roggi, editor, Gli Economistie la politica economia
- Changing Aims in Economics, 1992.
- "Ricardian Politics: Another version of Ricardian hagiography", 1992, HER
- "Hayek and Modern Austrian Methodology: Comment on a non- refuting refutation", 1992, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
- "Review of Jacob Viner", 1993, European Review of HET
- The Uses and Abuses of Economists: Contenious essays on history and method, 1994.