Sir Richard Stone (1913 - 1991)
Premiu Nobel 1984
Economist britanic, obtine Premiul Nobel in
Economie in 1984 pentru a fi avut contributii fundamentale in domeniul
dezvoltarii sistemelor conturilor nationale si pentru a fi imbunatatit in mod
substantial bazele analizei economice empirice.
Autobiografia in Fundatia Nobel
Lucrari ale lui Richard Stone
National Income and Expenditure, with J.E. Meade, 1944.
The Measurement of Consumers' Expenditure and Behavior in the United Kingdom, 1920-1938, with Rowe, et al., 1954.
Mathematics in the Social Sciences and Other Essays, 1966.
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Mathematical Models of the Economy and Other Essays, 1970.
Demographic Accounting and Model Building, 1971.
"Transition and Admission Models in Social Demography", 1973, Social Science Research
"Direct and Indirect Constraints in the Adjustment of Observations", 1975, in Nasjonalregnskap, Modeller og Analyse.
"Sigmoids", 1980, Bull. App. Statistics.
"A Simple Growth process Tending to Stationarity", 1980, EJ.
"The Relationship of Demographic Accounts to National Income and Product Accounts", 1982, in Juster and Land, editors, Social Accounting Systems.