Robert E. Lucas Jr. (1937-)
Premiu Nobel
Economist nordamerican de la Universitatea din Chicago,
obtine Premiul Nobel in Economie in 1995 pentru a fi dezvoltat si aplicat
ipoteza asteptarilor
rationale si a fi transformat analiza macroeconomica si aprofundat
intelegerea politicii economice. 
Robert Lucas este liderul scolii numite "Noua
Economie Clasica, o versiune moderna a vechii Scoli de la Chicago. Ipoteza sa
asupra asteptarilor rationale a condus la marginalizarea neokeynesianilor si
la intronarea unei macroeconomii bazate pe principii neoclasice.
Lucrari ale lui Robert Lucas
- "Optimal Investment Policy and the Flexible
Accelerator", 1967, IER.
- "Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply",
1967, JPE
- "Real Wages, Employment and Inflation", with
Leonard A. Rapping, 1969, JPE
- "Investment Under Uncertainty", with E.C.
Prescott, 1971, Econometrica
- "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money",
1972, JPE
- "Econometric Testing of the Natural Rate
Hypothesis", 1972, in Eckstein, editor, The Econometrics of Price
- "Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation
Tradeoffs", 1973, AER
- "Equilibrium Search and Unemployment", with
E. C. Prescott, 1974, JET
- "An Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle",
1975, JPE
- "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A critique",
1976, CROCH
- "Understanding Business Cycles", 1977, CROCH
- "Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy", 1978, Econometrica
- "`New' Explanations of the Persistence of
Inflation and Unemployment", with T.J. Sargent, 1978, in After the
Phillips Curve.
- "After Keynesian Macroeconomics" with T.J.
Sargent, 1978, in After the Phillips Curve.
- "Rules, Discretion and the Role of the Economic
Advisor", 1980, in Fischer, editor, Rational Expectations.
- "Methods and Problems in Business Cycle Theory",
1980, JMCB
- Studies in Business Cycle Theory
- "Equilibrium in a Pure Currency Economy",
1980, Econ Inquiry
- "Tobin and Monetarism: A review article",
1981, JEL.
- "Interest Rates and Currency Prices in a Two-Country
World", 1982, JME
- "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Economy
without Capital", with N.L. Stokey, 1983, JME
- "Optimal Growth with Many Consumers", with N.
L. Stokey, 1984, JET
- "Money in a Theory of Finance", 1984, CROCH
- "Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy",
with N. L. Stokey, 1987, Econometrica
- Models of Business Cycles, 1987.
- "On the Mechanics of Economic Development",
1988, JME
- Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics, with N.
L. Stokey, 1989.
- "Liquidity and Interest Rates", 1990, JET
- "Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor
Countries?", 1990, AER
- "Making a Miracle", 1993, Econometrica
A se vedea autobiografia