Richard T. Ely (1854-1943)

Ely este considerat pe rand membru al Scolii Istorice Germane si precursor al Institutionalismului American. A fost profesor al lui John R. Commons si Wesley C. Mitchell. 

Impreuna cu Seligman, a pus bazele prestigioasei American Economic Asociation, ce continua azi sa-i onoreze numele ca fondator.

Richard T. Ely s-a nascut in Ripley, New York, pe 13 aprilie 1854. La 18 ani intra in Dartmouth College si se transfera apoi la Columbia University unde absolva in 1876. A obtinut titlul de doctor la Universitatea din  Heidelberg, unde a fost influentat de Scoala de Istorie. In 1881 obtine  catedra de Economie Politica la Johns Hopkins  University. Infruntarile sale cu Newcomb si alti marginalisti l-au determinat sa abandoneze aceasta universitate si sa se transfere la Wisconsin. 

Se specializeaza apoi in teme relationate cu economia muncii si miscarea sindicala, ceea ce i-a provocat noi probleme politice. La sfarsitul vietii sale academice a adoptat pozitii foarte conservatoare si s-a dedicat studiului economiei agrare.

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Richard T. Ely


"American Colleges and German Universities", 1880, Harper's 
"German Cooperative Credit Unions", 1881, Atlantic Monthly 
French and German Socialism in Modern Time, 1883. 
"The Past and the Present of Political Economy", 1883, Overland Monthly. 
"The Prussian Civil Service", 1883, Overland Monthly 
The Past and the Present of Political Economy, 1884 
"Pullman: A Social Study", 1885, Harper's 
"Ethics and Economics", 1886, Science. 
"Arbitration", 1886, North American Review 
The Labor Movement in America, 1886. 
"Social Studies. I. The Nature of the Railway Problem", 1886, Harper's 
"Social Studies - II. The Economic Evils in American Railway Methods", 1886, Harper's 
"Social Studies - III. The Reform of Railway Abuses", 1886, Harper's 
"Socialism in America", 1886, North American Rev. 
"Political Economy in America", 1887, North American Rev. 
"Social Studies. - I. The Nature and Significance of Corporations", 1887, Harper's 
"Social Studies. - II. The Growth of Corporations", 1887, Harper's 
"Social Studies. - III. The Future of Corporations", 1887, Harper's 
Taxation in American States and Cities, 1888. 
An Introduction to Political Economy, 1889. 
"The Telegraph Monopoly", 1889, North American Rev. 
"A Programme for Labor Reform", 1890, Century 
"Pauperism in the United States", 1891, North American Rev. 
"The Inheritance of Property", 1891, North American Rev. 
Outlines of Economics, 1893. 
"Natural Monopolies and the Workingman. A Programme of Social Reform", 1894, North American Review 
"Fraternalism vs. Paternalism in Government", 1898, Century 
Monopolies and Trusts, 1900. 
Studies in the Evolution of Industrial Society, 1903. 
Property and Contract in their Relation to the Distribution of Wealth, 1914. 
Ground Under Our Feet: An autobiography, 1938. 
Natural Monopolies and the Workingman. A Programme of Social Reform