Richard F. Kahn, 1905-1989

Richard Ferdinand Kahn este recunoscut ca primul economist ce in 1931 (pe cand avea 25 de ani) a propus idea multiplicatorului pe care o va utiliza Keynes in 1936 ca piesa bazica in teoria generala.

Nascut la Hampstead, a studiat la St. Paul School si Kings College din Cambridge, in al carei departament de economie a activat din 1951 pana in 1972.

In ciuda lipsei de recunoastere oficiale a marelui sau prieten intim, Kahn s-a transformat intr-un important si fundamentalist keynesian de la Cambridge, denuntand perversiunea ideilor keynesiene realizate de partizanii "sintezei neoclasice". 

Kahn a fost desemnat de Keynes in testamentul sau ca unul din executorii sai, insarcinandu-l cu recolectarea, editarea si conservarea scrierilor sale economice.

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Richard F. Kahn

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Lucrari ale lui Richard Kahn 

"The Relation of Home Investment to Unemployment", 1931, EJ. 
"The Financing of Public Works: A note", 1932, EJ 
"The Elasticity of Substitution and the Relative Share of a Factor", 1933, EJ. 
"Public Policy and Inflation", 1933, JASA. 
"Some Notes on Ideal Output", 1935, EJ. 
"The Problem of Duopoly", 1937, EJ. 
"Tariffs and Terms of Trade", 1947, RES. 
"Some Notes on Liquidity Preference", 1954, Manchester School 
"The Place of Development", 1958, in Challenge of Development. 
"Exercises in the Analysis of Growth", 1959, Oxford EP. 
Selected Essays on Employment and Growth, 1972. 
"Malinvaud on Keynes", 1977, Cambridge JE. 
The Making of Keynes's General Theory, 1984.