Paul M. Sweezy, 1910-
Economist nordamerican marxist. Urmarit si intemnitat in tara sa in epoca
macartismului. Colaboreaza la fondarea prestigioasei reviste Monthly Review in
In anii saizeci, Paul
Sweezy propune modelul cererii fractionare pentru a explica stabilitatea
acordurilor colusorii in situatiile de oligopol.
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M. Sweezy
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Lucrari de Paul M. Sweezy
- "The Thinness of the Stock Market", 1930, AER.
- "On the Definition of Monopoly", 1937, QJE.
- Monopoly and Competition in the English Coal Trade, 1550-1850,
- "Demand Under Conditions of Oligopoly", 1939, JPE
- The Theory of Capitalist Development, 1942.
- "John Maynard Keynes",
1946, Science and Society.
- Socialism, 1948.
- The Present as History, 1953.
- Cuba: Anatomy of a revolution, cu L. Huberman, 1960.
- Monopoly Capital cu P. Baran,
- Socialism in Cuba, cu L. Huberman, 1969.
- On the Transition to Socialism, cu C. Bettelheim, 1971.
- The Dynamics of U.S. Capitalism, cu H. Magdoff, 1972.
- Modern Capitalism and other essays, 1972.
- The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, 1976.
- The End of Prosperity, cu H. Magdoff, 1977.
- The Deepening Crisis of US Capitalism, cu H. Magdoff, 1979.
- Four Lectures on Marxism, 1981.
- Post-Revolutionary Society, 1981.
- Stagnation and Financial Explosion, cu H. Magdoff, 1987.
- The Irreversible Crisis, cu H. Magdoff, 1989.