Economia de Piata
Mari Economisti
Georgescu-Roegen, 1906-1994
Economist roman. A studiat
matematica statistica la Universitatile din Bucuresti si Sorbona, unde obtine
doctoratul la 24 de ani. Studiaza economia trei ani la Harvard, ca elev al lui Joseph
Dupa ce se intoarce la
Bucuresti, lucreaza pentru guvernul roman si participa la negocierile de dupa
razboi cu Uniunea Sovietica. In 19
fuge din tara ascunzandu-se cu sotia sa intr-un butoi din cala unui vas.
In Statele Unite se
stabileste la Vanderbilt
University si colaboreaza cu Koopmans
si la Cowles Commission, lucrand in programarea lineala si teoria echilibrului
La mijlocul anilor saizeci
dezvolta anumite idei despre un nou focar evolutiv biologic al economiei.
Entropy Law and the Economic Process
by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
au fost cuvintele sale
discutii infructuoase despre natura asteptarilor ar putea fi evitate
recunoscand de la prima miscare ca actiunile constiente ale omului sunt
rezultatul credintelor sale si nu a altceva."
In The
Nature of Expectation and Uncertainty, 1958. |
Alte lucrari ale lui Nicholas
- "Fixed Coefficients of Production and the Marginal
Productivit Theory", 1935, RES.
- "The Pure Theory of Consumer's Behavior",
1936, QJE.
- "The Theory of Choice and the Constancy of
Economic Laws", 1950, QJE.
- "Leontief's Systemen the Light of Recent Results",
1950, REStat.
- "Some Properties of a Generalized Leontief Model",
1951,in Koopmans, editor, Activity Analysis of Allocation and Production
- "The Aggregate Linear Production Function and Its
Applications to von Neumann's Economic Model", 1951,in Koopmans,
editor, Activity Analysis of Allocation and Production.
- "Relaxation Phenomenaen Linear Dynamic Models",
1951,in Koopmans, editor, Activity Analysis of Allocation and Production.
- "A Diagrammatic Analysis of Complementarity",
1952, Southern EJ.
- "Choice and Revealed Preference", 1954, Southern
- "Limitationality, Limitativeness and Economic
Equilibrium", 1955, Proceedings 2nd Symposium on Linear Programming.
- "Choice, Expectations and Measurability",
1956, QJE.
- "Thresholden Choice and the Theory of Demand",
1958, Econometrica.
- "The Nature of Expectation and Uncertainty",
1958,in Bowman, editor, Expectations, Uncertainty and Business Behavior.
- "Economic Theory and Agrarian Economics",
1960, Oxford EP.
- "Mathematical Proofs of the Breakdown of
Capitalism", 1960, Econometrica.
- Analytical Economics: Issues and Problems, 1966.
- "The Economics of Production", 1970, AER.
- The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, 1971.
- Energy and Economic Myths: Institutional and
analytical economic essays, 1976.
- "The Steady State and Ecological Salvation",
1977, Bioscience.
- "Energy Analysis and Economic Valuation",
1979, Southern EJ.
- Demain la decroissance, 1979.
- "An Emigrant from a Developing Country",
1988, BNLQR.
- "Nicholas
Georgescu-Roegen about Himself", 1992,in Szenberg, editor, Eminent Economists.