Luigi L. Pasinetti
italian, membru de seama al numitei Scoli Neo-ricardiene sau "a doua
generatie de keynesisti de la Cambridge". Discipol
al lui Piero Sraffa,
a realizat in 1960 o meticuloasa forma matematica a ideilor lui David Ricardo.
Nascut la Zanica, Bergamo, a studiat si si-a
obtinut doctoratul la Università Cattolica S. Cuore din Milan in
1954 cu o teza despre aplicarea modelelor econometrice in cadrul analizei
ciclurilor. A obtinut un al doilea Ph.D. la Universitatea din Cambridge (UK) in
De-a lungul anilor saizeci, de pe postul sau
de profesor la Cambridge, i-a condus pe keynesisti in polemicele lor cu
monetaristii asupra teoriei capitalului. A adus apoi importante aporturi teoriei
cresterii lineare a lui Kaldor.
Astazi continua sa lucreze in aplicarea teoriilor ricardiene si este interesat
in special de modelele de schimbare structurala, raspunsul modelelor economice
multisectoriale la schimbarea tehnologica.
Pasinetti este membru al
urmatoarelor institutii:
Econometric Society, 1978 - ;
Research Group on "Technical
Progress, Income Distribution and Economic Growth", C.N.R., Rome (Italian Research
Council), 1980-'83;
Member of Scientific Committee, Fondazione Luigi
Einaudi, Torino, Italy, 1977-;
Member of Scientific Committee, Fondazione Raffaele Mattioli
(for the History of Economic Thought), Milano,Italy, 1985-;
Member of Scientific Committee of IDSE
(Research Institute on the Dynamics od Economic Systems), Milano, Italy, 1990-2001;
President, Società Italiana degli Economisti (1986-'89);
Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e
Società Italiana degli Economisti
C.E.E.A. (Confederation European Economic
E.S.H.E.T. (European Society for the History of Economic
Consultant editorial al:
Review of Economic Studies,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1977-
Journal of PostKeynesian Economics, 1978-
Kyklos, 1981-
Political Economy: Studies in the Surplus Approach,
Revue Française d'économie, 1986-
Il pensiero economico moderno, 1988-
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 1989-
Industrial and Corporate Change, 1991- .
Lucrari ale lui Pasinetti
- "A Mathematical Formulation of the Ricardian System", 1960, RES.
"Cyclical Fluctations and Economic Growth", 1960, Oxford EP.
- "Rate of Profit and Income Distribution in Relation to the Rate of Economic Growth", 1962, RES.
- "Professor Meade's Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy", 1964, EJ.
"A New Theoretial Approach to the Problems of Economic Growth", 1965, APSSV
- "The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy: A reply", 1966, EJ.
- "New Results in an Old Framework: Comments on Samuelson and Modigliani", 1966, RES.
- "Changes in the Rate of Profit and Switches of Techniques", 1966, QJE.
- "Switches of Technique and the `Rate of Return' in Capital Theory", 1969, EJ.
- "Again on Capital Theory and Solow's Rate of Return", 1970, EJ.
- "The Notion of Vertical Integration in Economic Analysis", 1973, Metroeconomica.
Growth and Income Distribution: Essays in economic theory, 1974.
Lectures on the Theory of Production, 1977.
- "The Rate of Interest and the Distribution of Income in a Pure Labor Economy", 1980, JPKE.
Editor, Essays on the Theory of Joint Production, 1980.
Structural Change and Economic Growth: A theoretical essay on the dynamics of the wealth of nations, 1981.
“The Accumulation of Capital”, 1983, Cambridge JE
- "Conditions of Existence of a Two-Class Economy in the Kaldor and More General Models of Growth and Distribution", 1983, Kyklos.
- "Sraffa's Circular Process and the Concept of Vertical Integration", Political Economy, 1986.
- "Theory of Value: A source of alternative paradigms in economic analysis", 1986, in Baranzini and Scazzieri, editors, Foundations of Economics.
- "Growing Subsystems, Vertically Hyper-Integrated Sectors and the Labour Theory of Value", 1988, Cambridge JE.
- "Sraffa on Income Distribution", 1988, Cambridge JE.
“Ricardian Debt/Taxation Equivalence in the Kaldor Theory of Profits and Income Distribution”, 1989, Cambridge JE
“Sraffa's Circular Process and the Concept of Vertical Integration”, 1990, in Bharadwaj and
Schefold, eds., Essays on Piero Sraffa
Structural Economic Dynamics: A Theory of the Economic Consequences of Human Learning. 1993
“Economic Theory and Institutions”,1996, in Delorme and Dopfer, eds., The Political Economy of Diversity
“Joan Robinson and ‘Reswitching’”, 1996, in Marcuzzo et al., editors, The Economics of Joan Robinson
London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 209-217;
“The Principle of Effective Demand” and "The Marginal Efficiency of Investment”, 1997, in Harcourt and
Riach, eds., A “Second Edition” of the General Theory
“J.M.Keynes's ‘Revolution’ – the major event of twentieth-century
economics?”, 1998, in Pasinetti and Schefold, editors, The Impact of Keynes on Economics in the 20th
"La critica della teoria neoclassica della crescita e della distribuzione", 2000/1, Moneta e Credito
- "Continuity and Change in Piero Sraffa's Thought - An Archival Excursus"
- "Economic Theory and Technical Progress", 2000/1, JEI,
- "Public Debt in the European Union Countries: Two ways of facing the problem"
- "The Principle of Effective Demand and its relevance in the long run", 2000/1
Coordonatele lui Luigi L. Pasinetti
Adresa postala:
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Gemelli,1, 20123 Milano (Italy)