John Bates Clark, 1847-1938
Unul dintre pionierii revolutiei marginaliste, a dezvoltat
conceptul de productivitate marginala si "epuizarea produsului". Unul
dintre primii marginalisti americani s-a opus scolii institutionaliste
transformandu-se astfel in obiectul predilect al atacurilor lui Veblen. Fiul sau
in schimb, John Maurice Clark, s-a transformat intr-un important
- "The
New Philosophy of Wealth" 1877, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Unrecognized
Forces in Political Economy", 1877, New Englander and Yale
- "How
to Deal with Communism", 1878, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Business
Ethics, Past and Present", 1879, New Englander and Yale Review
- "The
Nature and Progress of True Socialism" 1879, New Englander and
Yale Review
- "Spiritual
Economics", 1880, New Englander and Yale Review
- "The
Philosophy of Value",1881, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Non-competitive
Economics", 1882, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Recent
Theories of Wages", 1883, New Englander and Yale Review
- The Philosophy of Wealth, 1885
- "The
Moral Outcome of Labor Troubles", 1886, New Englander and
Yale Review
- "Christianity
and Modern Economics", 1887, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Capital and Its Earnings", 1888, Publications
of AEA
- "Possibility of a Scientific Law of Wages",
1889, Publications of AEA
- "The Law of Wages and Interest", 1890, Annals
- "The
"Trust": A New Agent for doing an Old Work: or Freedom doing the
Work of Monopoly", 1890, New Englander and Yale Review
- "Distribution
as Determined by a Law of Rent", 1891, QJE
- "The Genesis of Capital", 1893, Yale
- "The
Origin of Interest, 1895, QJE
- "Real
Issues Concerning Interest", QJE
- "The Future of Economic Theory", 1898, QJE.
- "The
Modern Appeal to Legal Forces in Economic Life, 1894, AER
- The Distribution of Wealth: A theory of wages,
interest and profits. , 1899.
- "Natural Divisions in Economic Theory", 1899,
- "Disarming
the Trusts", 1900, Atlantic Monthly
- "Wages and Interest as Determined by Marginal
Productivity", 1901, JPE
- Essentials of Economic Theory, 1907.