James E Meade (1907 - 1995)
Premiu Nobel 1977
Edward Meade, economist britanic, obtine Premiul Nobel in economie in
1977, impartindu-l cu Bertil Ohlin,
pentru contributia sa la teoria comertului international si miscarile
internationale ale capitalurilor.
S-a nascut la Swanage, Dorset, a studiat la Oxford si Cambridge, unde devine apoi profesor de economie, astfel cum a fost in London School of Economics. Keynesist, este expert in comertul international si in analiza balantei de plati.
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An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy, 1936.
"A Simplified Model of Mr Keynes' System", 1937, RES
"A Sumary to Replies to Questions on Effects of Interest Rates", with P.
Andrews, 1938, Oxford EP
National Income and Expenditure with R. Stone, 1944.
"A Geometrical Representation of Balance-of-Payments Policy," 1949, Economica
The Theory of International Economic Policy, 2 volumes, 1951.
A Geometry of International Trade, 1952
Trade and Welfare, 1955.
"The Case for Variable Exchange Rates" 1955, Three Banks Review,
The Theory of Customs Unions. 1956
"The Balance of Payments Problems of a Free Trade Area", 1957, EJ
"Is the National Debt a Burden?", 1958, Oxford EP
"The Public Debt Reconsidered: A reply", 1960, REStat
A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth, 1961.
"The Effect of Saving on Consumption in a State of Steady Growth", 1962, RES
"The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy", 1963, EJ
Principles of Political Economy, 2 volumes, 1965-68.
The Just Economy, 1976.
The Intelligent Radical's Guide to Economic Policy, 1975.
Wage Fixing, 1982.