Jack Hirshleifer, 1925-
Jack Hirshleifer s-a nascut in cartierul newyorkez
Brooklyn pe 26 august 1925. Studiile sale au fost intrerupte de al doilea razboi
mondial, in care a servit in marina din Pacific. Dupa razboi a obtinut licenta
(1945) si doctoratul (1950) la Harvard.
A muncit ca economist pentru RAND Corporation (1949-1955) si ca profesor la
Universitatea din Chicago (1955-1960). De atunci munceste in Departamentul
de Economie de la UCLA. Apartine Academiei Americane de Stiinta si Arte si
Societatii de Econometrie. A fost vicepresedinte al Asociatiei Economice
A muncit in diverse domenii: economia resurselor, teoria
capitalului, teoria intreprinderii, fiind un pionier al analizei economice al
nesigurantei si informatiei, in bioeconomie si evolutia conflictelor.
email: jhirshle@ucla.edu
Opere de Jack Hirshleifer
- "On the Theory of Optimal Investment Decision", 1958, JPE.
- "The Bayesian Approach to Statistical Decision: An exposition",
1961, Journal of Business.
- "Investment Decision Under Uncertainty: Choice-theoretic approaches",
1965, QJE.
- "Investment Decision Under Uncertainty: Applications of the state-preference
approach", 1966, QJE.
- "A Note on Böhm-Bawerk/Wicksell
Theory of Interest", 1967, RES.
- Investment, Interest and Capital, 1970.
- "The Private and Social Value of Information and the Reward to
Inventive Activity", 1971, AER.
- "Liquidity, Uncertainty and the Accumulation of Information",
1972, in Carter and Ford, eds, Uncertainty and Expectation in Economics.
- "Where Are We in the Theory of Information?", 1973, AER.
- "Speculation and Equilibrium: Information, risk and markets",
1975, QJE.
- "The Theory of Speculation Under Alternative Regimes of Markets",
1977, JFinance
- "Economics from a Biological Standpoint", 1977, JLawE.
- "The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information: An expository survey",
cu J.G. Riley, 1979, JEL.
- Price Theory and Applications, 1980. Versión
castellana: Microeconomía, Teoría y Aplicaciones, Prentice Hall
Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 1988.
- What Strategies can Support the
Evolutionary Emergence of Cooperation?, cu Juan
Carlos Martínez Coll J. of Conflict
Resolution, V. 32, N. 2, junio 1988.
- The Limits of Reciprocity:
Solution Concepts and Reactive Strategies in Evolutionary Equilibrium Models,
con Juan Carlos Martínez Coll
and Society,
V.3-1, enero 1991
- The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information, cu
J.G.Riley, 1992.
- Selection and Mutation in
Evolutionary Games, cu Juan Carlos Martínez
Coll, Revista
Spaniola de Economie,
V. 9, 2, 1992.
- "The Legal Battle: Application of Warfare Models to Litigation",