Hollis B. Chenery, 1918-
Economist specializat in probleme de subdezvoltare, este
unul dintre primii care a sugerat ca nu exista faze lineale de dezvoltare.
Exista similaritati si diferente intre tari subdezvoltate si fazele istorice ale
tarilor dezvoltate, dar este posibil sa intalnim si "scurtaturi".

- "Overcapacity and the Acceleration Principle",
1952, Econometrica
- Interindustry Economics, with P. Clark, 1959.
- "Patterns of Industrial Growth", 1960, AER
- "Comparative
Advantage and Development Policy", 1961, AER
- "Capital-Labor Substitution and Economic
Efficiency", with K.J. Arrow,
B.S. Minhas and R.M. Solow, 1961, REStat
- "Foreign Assistance and Economic Development",
with A. Strout, 1966, AER
- "Foreign Aid and Economic Development: The case of
Greece", with I.Adelman, 1966, REStat
- Studies in Development Planning, with others,
- Redistibution with Growth: An approach to policy,
with others, 1974.
- Patterns of Development, 1950-1970, with R.
Syrquin, 1975.
- "A Structuralist Approach to Development Policy",
1975, AER
- Structural Change and Development Policy, 1979.
- "Interaction Between Theory and Obvervation",
1983, World Development