Frank H. Knight, 1885-1972
Frank Hyneman Knight, in colaborare cu Jacob
Viner, a condus Departamentul de Economie al Universitatii din Chicago din
anii 20 pana la finalul anilor 40, jucand astfel un rol central in stabilirea
caracterului acestui departament, rol comparabil cu cel jucat de Schumpeter
la Harvard sau Robbins la
A studiat la Universitatea din Tennessee si si-a luat
doctoratul la Cornell, unde a fost discipol al lui A.A. Young.
In plus de Chicago, a fost si profesor al Universitatilor din Cornell si Iowa.
Cunoscuta sa teza Risc, Incertitudine si Beneficiu
(1921) continua sa atraga atentia si azi. Stabileste distinctia dintre "risc"
(aleatoriu cu probabilitatile cunoscute) si "incertitudine" (aleatorii
cu probabilitatile necunoscute) subliniind rolul de intreprinzator in economie.
Numeroasele sale recenzii in Journal of Political
Economy al Universitatii din Chicago i-au servit pentru a-si expune ideile
despre diferite teme si l-au condus la polemici cu importanti autori despre
teoria capitalului, economia bunastarii, keynesismul si pozitivismul.
- "The Concept of Normal Price in Value and
Distribution", 1917, QJE.
- Risk,
Uncertainty and Profit, 1921.
- "Cost of Production and Price Over Long and Short
Periods", 1921, JPE.
- "Cassel's Theoretische
Sozialökonomie", 1921, JPE.
- "Ethics
and the Economic Interpretation", 1922, QJE.
- "The
Ethics of Competition", 1923, QJE.
- "Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social
Cost", 1924, QJE.
- "The Limitations of Scientific Method in Economics",
1924, in Tugwell, editor, Trend of Economics.
- "A Note on Professor Clark's
Illustration of Marginal Productivity", 1925, JPE.
- "Economic Psychology and the Value Problem",
1925, QJE.
- "Economics at its Best: Review of Pigou",
1926, AER.
- "Historical and Theoretical Issues in the Problem
of Modern Capitalism", 1928, Journal of Econ & Business History.
- "A Suggestion for Simplifying the Statement of the
General Theory of Price", 1928, JPE.
- "Freedom as Fact and Criterion", 1929, Int
J of Ethics
- "Statics and Dynamics: Some queries regarding the
mechanical analogy in economics", 1930, ZfN.
- "Professor Fisher's Interest Theory: A case in
point", 1931, JPE.
- "Modern Economic Society Further Considered",
1932, JPE.
- The Economic Organisation, 1933.
- "Capitalistic Production, Time and the Rate of
Return", 1933, in Essays in Honor of Gustav Cassel.
- "The Nature of Economic Science in Some Recent
Discussion", 1934, AER.
- "Social Science and the Political Trend",
1934, Univ of Toronto Quarterly
- "Common-Sense of Political Economy: Wicksteed
Reprinted", 1934, JPE.
- The Ethics of Competitition and Other Essays,
- "The Ricardian Theory of Production and
Distribution", 1935, Canadian JE.
- "A Comment on Machlup",
1935, JPE.
- "Professor Hayek and the
Theory of Investment", 1935, EJ.
- "The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr. Boulding
and the Austrians", 1935, QJE.
- "Some Issues in the Economics of Stationary States",
1936, AER.
- "The Place of Marginal Economics in a Collectivist
System", 1936, AER.
- "The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest",
1936, JPE.
- "Pragmatism and Social Action: Review of Dewey",
1936, Int J of Ethics
- "Note on Dr. Lange's Interest Theory", 1937, RES.
- "Unemployment: and Mr. Keynes's
revolution in economic theory", 1937, Canadian JE.
- "On the Theory of Capital: In reply to Mr. Kaldor",
1938, Econometrica.
- "The Ethics of Liberalism", 1939, Economica.
- "Socialism: The nature of the problem", 1940,
- "`What is Truth' in Economics", 1940, JPE.
- "The Significance and Basic Postulates of
Economics: a rejoinder", 1941, JPE
- "Religion and Ethics in Modern Civilization",
1941, J of Liberal Religion
- "The Meaning of Democracy: its politico-economic
structure and ideals", 1941, J of Negro Education
- "Social Science", 1941, Ethics.
- "The Business Cycle, Interest and Money: A
methodological approach", 1941, REStat.
- "Professor Mises and the
Theory of Capital", 1941, Economica.
- "The Role of the Individual in the Economic World
of the Future", 1941, JPE.
- "Science, Philosophy and Social Procedure",
1942, Ethics
- "Fact and Value in Social Science", 1942, in
Anshen, editor, Science and Man
- "Some Notes on the Economic Interpretation of
History", 1942, Studies in the History of Culture.
- "Social Causation", 1943, American Journal
of Sociology.
- "Diminishing Returns Under Investment", 1944,
- "Realism and Relevance in the Theory of Demand",
1944, JPE.
- "The Rights of Man and Natural Law", 1944, Ethics
- "Human Nature and World Democracy", 1944, American
J of Sociology.
- "Economics, Political Science and Education",
1944, AER
- The Economic Order and Religion, with T.W.
Merriam, 1945.
- "Immutable Law in Economics: Its reality and
limitations", 1946, AER.
- "The Sickness of Liberal Society", 1946, Ethics
- "Salvation by Science: The gospel according to
Professor Lundberg", 1947, JPE.
- Freedom and Reform: Essays in economics and social
philosophy, 1947.
- "Free Society: Its basic nature and problem",
1948, Philosophical Review.
- "The Role of Principles in Economics and Politics",
1951, AER.
- "Institutionalism and Empiricism in Economics",
1952, AER.
- On the History and Methods of Economics: Selected
essays, 1956.
- Intelligence and Democratic Action, 1960.
- "Methodology in Economics", 1961, Southern
- "Abstract Economics as Absolute Ethics",
1966, Ethics.
- "Laissez Faire: Pro and con", 1967, JPE.
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