Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926)
Economist irlandez. A studiat
limbile vechi si moderne la Trinity College din
Dublín. Vorbea germana, spaniola, franceza si italiana. Apoi a studiat legile
la Oxford. Se pare ca a studiat matematica pe cont propriu, fara a
participa la cursuri. In 1880 da cursuri de logica. In sfarsit in 1888 a fost
numit profesor de economie politica la King's College din Londra.
Aproape toate
scrierile sale se refera la economisti. Sunt analize ale
impozitelor, preturilor in situatiile de monopol si duopol, teorie pura asupra
comertului international si teorie a numerelor indice. Lucrarea sa "Matematica
psihica" (1881) este o aplicatie cantitativa a eticii utilitarismului
asupra vietii economice. Utilizarea curbelor de indiferenta a fost acceptata
foarte incet si cea a "nucleului" unei economii de schimb a reusit sa
atraga atentia ca rezultat al dezvoltarilor teoriei jocurilor. Astfel multe din
ideile sale sunt redescoperite astazi.
- New and Old Methods of Ethics, 1877.
- "The Hedonical Calculus", 1879, Mind.
- "The Law of Error", 1883, Phil Mag
- Mathematical Psychics: An essay on the application of mathematics to
the moral sciences , 1881.
- "Review of Jevons's Investigations", 1884, Academy
- "The Philosophy of Chance", 1884, Mind
- "The Rationale of Exchange", 1884, J of RSS
- "Observations and Statistics: An essay on the theory of errors of
observation and the first principles of statistics", 1885, Transactions
of Cambridge Society.
- "Methods of Statistics", 1885, Jubilee Volume of RSS.
- "On Methods of Ascertaining Variations in the Rate of Births, Deaths
and Marriages", 1885, J of RSS
- "Progressive Means", 1886, J of RSS
- Metrike, or the method of measuring probability and utility, 1887.
- "Mathematical Theory of Banking", 1888, Journal of Royal
Statistical Society.
- "On the Application of Mathematics to Political Economy", 1889, Nature
- "Review of Walras's Elements", 1889, Nature
- "Review of Wicksteed's Alphabet", 1889, Nature
- "Points at which Mathematical Reasoning is Applicable to Political
Economy", 1889, Nature
- "Appreciation of Gold", 1889, QJE
- "Review of Marshall's Principles", 1890, Nature
and Academy
- "La Théorie mathématique de l'offre et de la demande et la côut de
production", 1891, Revue d'Economie Politique
- "On the Determinateness of Economic Equilibrium", 1891, Giornale
degli Economisti.
- "Review of Keynes's Scope and Method", 1891, EJ
- "An Introductory Lecture on Political Economy", 1891, EJ
- "Review
of Second Edition of Marshall's Principles", 1891, EJ
- "Review
of Third Edition of Marshall's Principles", 1892, EJ
(Este necesara conexiunea la Internet)
- "Correlated Averages", 1892 , Philos Magazine
- "The Law of Error and Correlated Averages", 1892, Philos
- "Review of Bonar's Philosophy", 1893, Mind.
- "Review of Walsh's Bimetallism", 1893, EJ
- "Professor Böhm-Bawerk on the Ultimate Standard of Value",
1894, EJ
- "Theory of International Values", 1894, EJ
- "The Measurement of Utility by Money", 1894, EJ
- "Pierson on the Scarcity of Gold", 1895, EJ
- "A Defense of Index-Numbers", 1896, EJ
- "The Pure Theory of Monopoly",
- "The Pure Theory of Taxation, I-III",
1897, EJ
- "Review of Grazani's Instituzioni", 1897, 1904, EJ
- "On a Point in the Theory of International Trade", 1899, EJ
- "The Incidence of Urban Rates, I-III", 1900, EJ
- "Disputed Points in the Theory of International Trade", 1901, EJ
- "Miscellaneous Applications of the Calculus of Probabilities",
1898, J of RSS
- "The
Theory of Distribution" , 1904, QJE
(Este enlace requiere conexión a Internet)
- "Review of Cunnynghame's Geometrical Political Economy",
1905, EJ
- "The Law of Error", 1905, Transactions of Cambridge Society.
- "The Generalised Law of Error, or Law of Great Numbers", 1906, J
of RSS
- "Appreciations of Mathematical Theories, I, II & III",
1907-8, EJ
- "On the Probable Error of Frequency Constants", 1908, Transactions
of Cambridge Society
- "On the Use of the Diferential Calculus in Economics to Determine
Conditions of Maximum Advantage", 1909, Scientia
- "The Subjective Element in the First Principles of Taxation",
1910, QJE
- "Applications of Probabilities to Economics", 1910, EJ.
- "Monopoly and Differential Prices", 1911, EJ
- "Contributions to the Theory of Railway Rates, I-IV", 1911-1913 EJ
- "Review of Moore's Laws of Wages", 1912, EJ
- "Review of Pigou's Wealth and Welfare", 1913, EJ
- "On the Use of the Theory of Probabilities in Statistics Relating to
Society", 1913, J of RSS
- "On the Use of Analytical Geometry to Represent Certain Kinds of
Statistics", 1914, J of RSS
- On the Relations of Political Economy to War, 1915.
- "Recent Contributions to Mathematical Economics, I & II",
1915, EJ
- "British Incomes and Property", 1916, EJ
- "Some German Economic Writings about the War", 1917, EJ
- "After-War Problems", 1917, EJ
- "On the Mathematical Representation of Statistical Data", 1917, J
of RSS
- "Methods of Graduating Taxes on Income and Capital", 1919, EJ
- "Review of Cassel's Social Economy", 1920, EJ
- "The Mathematical Economics of Professor Amoroso", 1922, EJ
- "Equal Pay to Men and Women for Equal Work", 1922, EJ
- Women's
Wages in Relation to Economic Welfare, 1923, EJ
- "Review of Marshall's Money", 1923, EJ
- "Review of Bowley's Groundwork", 1924, EJ
- Papers
Relating to Political Economy, 3 volumes, 1925. (Volume
I, Volume
II, Volume
III) (Este necesara conexiunea la Internet)
- "The Plurality of Index-Numbers", 1925, EJ
- "The Revised Doctrine of Marginal Social Product", 1925, EJ
- "Review of J.M. Clark's Overhead Costs", 1925, EJ.