Abba P. Lerner (1903-1982)
Abba Ptachya Lerner s-a nascut in Basarabia, dar parintii sai au emigrat in Anglia cand el era foarte mic. A lucrat ca mecanic, palarier, profesor de ebraica si afacerist. In tinerete a avut idei socialiste si a fost foarte apropiat de
La 26 de ani intra ca student la London School of Economics. A fost un stralucit student, ce a obtinut premii si burse si,inainte de a absolvi, a scris si publicat articole inovatoare si recunoscute de catre profesorii sai.
In 1933 a participat la fondarea si coeditarea prestigioasei reviste Review of Economic Studies. In 1935 si-a inceput activitatea docenta la London School of Economics. In 1939 se muta in Statele Unite unde ramane pentru totdeauna exercitandu-si docenta intr-un mare numar de universitati: Columbia, Virginia, Kansas City, Amherst, The New School for Social Research, Roosvelt, John Hopkins, Michigan State si la Universitatea din California in Berkeley.
Primele sale publicatii se plaseaza in campul teoriei comertului international. In 1934 stabileste drept criteriu paretian egalitatea dintre pret si costul marginal si propune ca sistem de masurare a puterii sau gradul de monopol diferenta dintre aceste doua variabile. Participa impreuna cu Oskar Lange si in fata lui Ludwig von Mises la "polemica despre calculul socialist".
Cea mai importanta opera a sa a fost Economics of Control unde analizeaza, argumenteaza si justifica utilizarea de catre guverne a "finantelor functionale", adica, utilizarea finantelor publice pentru a dobandi o situatie de somaj 0 cu stabilitatea preturilor. Problemele controlului inflatiei in situatiile somajului 0 le vor ocupa munci posterioare, propunand crearea unei pieti de bonuri ce le-ar da proprietarilor lor dreptul de a urca pretul.
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- "The Diagrammatical Representation of Cost Conditions in International Trade", 1932, Economica.
- "The Diagrammatical Representation of Elasticity of Demand", 1933, RES.
- "The Diagrammatical Representation of Elasticity of Substitution", 1933, RES.
- "The Diagrammatical Representation of Demand Conditions in International Trade", 1934, Economica.
- "The Concept of Monopoly and the Measurement of Monopoly Power", 1934, RES.
- "Economic Theory and Socialist Economy", 1934, RES.
- "Economic Theory and Socialist Economy: Rejoinder", 1935, RES.
- "The Symmetry Between Import and Export Taxes", 1936, Economica.
- "Mr Keynes's General Theory", 1936, International Labor Review.
- "A Note on Socialist Economies", 1936, RES
- "Capital, Investment and Interest", 1936-7, Proceedings of Manchester Statistical Society
- "Statics and Dynamics in Socialist Economics", 1937, EJ
- "Theory and Practice of Socialist Economics", 1938, RES
- "Alternative Formulations of the Theory of Interest", 1938, EJ.
- "Saving Equals Investment", 1938, QJE.
- "Saving and Investment: Definitions, assumptions and objectives", 1939, QJE.
- "From Vulgar Political Economy to Vulgar Marxism", 1939, JPE.
- "The Relation of Wage Policies and Price Policies", 1939, AER
- "Some Swedish Stepping Stones in Economic Theory", 1940, Canadian JE .
- "The Economic Steering Wheel", 1941, University Review, Kansas
- "Functional Finance and the Federal Debt", 1943, Social Research.
- "User Cost and Prime User Cost", 1943, AER
- The Economics of Control: Principles of welfare economics, 1944.
- "Interest Theory: Supply and demand for loans or supply and demand for cash?", 1944, RES.
- "Strengthening the Economic Foundations of Democracy", with Oskar Lange, 1944, American Way of Business.
- "Money", 1946, Encyclopaedia Britannica
- "Money as a Creature of the State", 1947, AER.
- "The Burden of the National Debt", 1948, in Income, Employment and Public Policy
- "The Inflationary Process: Some theoretical aspects", 1949, REStat.
- "Fighting Inflation", 1951, REStat
- The Economics of Employment, 1951.
- "Factor Prices and International Trade", 1952, Economica.
- "The Essential Properties of Interest and Money", 1952, QJE.
- "On the Marginal Product of Capital and the Marginal Efficieny of Investment", 1953, JPE.
- ""Consumption-Loan Interest and Money", 1959, JPE
- "On Generalizing the General Theory", 1960, AER.
- "The Burden of the Debt", 1961, REStat.
- "A Note on the Rate of Interest and the Value of Assets", 1961, EJ.
- "The Analysis of Demand", 1962, AER.
- "Macro-Economics and Micro-Economics", 1962, in Nagel, Suppes and Tarski, editors, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
- "Consumer's Surplus and Micro-Macro", 1963, JPE.
- "Keynesian Economics in the Sixties", 1963, in Lekachman, editor, Keynes' General Theory.
- "On Some Recent Developments in Capital Theory", 1965, AER.
- "Employment Theory and Employment Policy", 1967, AER.
- "The Economist's Can-Opener", 1968, Western EJ.
- "On Optimal Taxes with an Untaxable Sector", 1970, AER.
- Flation: not inflation of prices, not deflation of jobs., 1972.
- ""Money, Debt and Wealth", 1973, in W. Sellekaerts, editor, Econometrics and Economic Theory
- "From the Treatise on Money to the General Theory", 1974, JEL.
- "Principles of Efficient Economic Policy", 1975, in Ben- Shabar, Economics of Efficiency and Growth.
- "Marginal Cost Pricing in the 1930s", 1977, AER.
- "From Pre-Keynes to Post-Keynes", 1977, Social Research.
- "Utilitarian Marginalism", 1978, Eastern EJ.
- "The Scramble for Keynes' Mantle", 1978, JPKE.
- "On Keynes, Policy and Theory: A grumble", 1979, Social Research.
- "A Keynesian on Hayek", 1980, Challenge.
- MAP: A Market Anti-Inflation Plan, with D.Colander, 1980.
- "Paleo-Austrian Capital Theory", 1983, in Colander, editor, Selected Economic Writings of Abba Lerner