Joan Robinson, 1903-1983
Joan Violet Robinson (Maurice inainte de casatorie)
apartine unui grup de economisti mai relevanti ai secolului XX. Lider al scolii
de la Cambridge a fost marshaliana la origine, ardenta keynesista si, in final,
un relevant membru al scolilor neoricardiana si postkeynesista.
Contributiile sale la literatura economica au fost foarte
numeroase si au abordat arii multiple. Joan Robinson a introdus teoria
concurentei imperfecte in cunoscuta sa carte din 1933. In 1937 a elaborat o
prezentare exacta a ideilor lui Keynes. In 1942 atentia sa se axeaza pe teoria
marxista. Mai incolo isi concentreaza atentia pe probleme metodologice.
A fost interesata si de problemele subdezvoltarii. In anii
saptezeci a surprins cu laudele sale "marea revolutie culturala" din
China maoista.
Profesoara a Universitatii de la Cambridge din 1931, nu a
ajuns sa fie profesor de grad superior pana in 1965. Nu i s-a acordat niciodata Premiul Nobel, lucru
considerat a fi unul dintre cele mai triste si incorecte tratari discriminatorii.
- Economics is a Serious Subject: The apologies of an economist to the
mathematician, the scientist and the plain man, 1932.
- The Economics of Imperfect Competition , 1933
- "Theory of Money and Analysis of Output", 1933, RES.
- "A Parable on Savings and Investment", 1933, Economica.
- "What is Perfect Competition?", 1934, QJE.
- "Euler's Theorem and the Problem of Distribution", 1934, EJ.
- "Disguised Unemployment", 1936, EJ.
- "The Long Period Theory of Employment", 1936, ZfN.
- "Some Reflections on Marxist Economics", 19??, EJ.
- Introduction to the Theory of Employment, 1937
- Essays on the the Theory of Employment, 1937.
- "The Concept of Hoarding", 1938, EJ.
- "Rising Supply Price", 1941, Economica.
- Essay on Marxian Economics , 1942
- "The Economics of Full Employment", 1945, EJ.
- "Obstacles to Full Employment", 1946, Nationalokonomisk
- "The Pure Theory of International Trade", 1946, RES.
- "Marx and Keynes", 1948, Critica Economica.
- "Mr. Harrod's Dynamics", 1949, EJ.
- "Exchange Equilibrium", 1950, Economia Internazionale.
- "The Rate of Interest", 1951, Econometrica.
- Collected Economic Papers, Vol. I, 1951.
- "The Model of an Expanding Economy", 1952, EJ.
- The Rate of Interest and other essays , 1952.
- "The Generalization of the General Theory", 1952, ???
- "The Production Function and the Theory of Capital", 1953-4, RES.
- The Accumulation of Capital , 1956.
- "Notes on the Theory of Economic Development", 1956, Annales
de la Faculte de Liege.
- "India, 1955: Unemployment and planning", 1957, Capital.
- "The Philosophy of Prices", 1958, Manchester School.
- "The Real Wicksell Effect", 1958, EJ.
- "Some Problems of Definition and Measurement of Capital", Oxford
- "Accumulation and the Production Function", 1959, EJ.
- Exercises in Economic Analysis, 1960.
- Collected Economic Papers, Volume II, 1960.
- "General Liquidity", 1960, The Banker.
- "Own Rates of Interest", 1961, EJ.
- "Equilibrium Growth Models", 1961, AER.
- "Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory", 1961, Oxford EP.
- Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth , 1962.
- "A Neo-Classical Theorem", 1962, RES.
- Economic Philosophy: An essay on the progress of economic thought,
- "The Basic Theory of Normal Price", 1962, QJE.
- "Solow on the Rate of Return", 1964, EJ.
- "Factor Prices Note Equalized", 1964, QJE.
- "The Final End of Laissez-Faire", 1964, ???
- "Consumer's Sovereignty in a Planned Economy", 1964, Essays
in Honor of Oskar Lange.
- "China, 1963: The Communes", 1964, Political Quarterly.
- "Pre-Keynesian Theory After Keynes", 1964, Australian EP.
- Collected Economic Papers, Volume III, 1965.
- "Korea, 1964: Economic miracle", 1965, MLR.
- "Piero Sraffa and the Rate of Exploitation", 1965, New Left
- Economics: An awkward corner, 1966.
- "Comment on Samuelson and Modigliani", 1966, RES.
- "The Badly Behaved Production Function", with K.A. Naqvi, 1967 QJE.
- "Growth and the Theory of Distribution", 1967, Annals of
Public and Cooperative Economy.
- "Marginal Productivity", 1967, Indian Economic Review.
- "The Poverty of Nations", 1968, Cambridge Quarterly.
- "The Theory of Value Reconsidered", 1969, Australian EP.
- "A Further Note", 1969, RES.
- "Capital Theory Up to Date", 1970, Canadian JE.
- Freedom and Necessity, 1970.
- "Harrod After 21 Years", 1970, EJ.
- Economic Heresies: Some old-fashioned questions in economic theory,
- "The Second Crisis of Economic Theory", 1972, AER.
- An Introduction to Modern Economics, with John Eatwell, 1973.
- "Formalistic Marxism and Ecology without Classes", 1973, Journal
of Contemporary Asia.
- "Ideology and Analysis", 1973, in Sozialismus, Geschichte und
- Collected Economic Papers, Vol. IV, 1973.
- "History versus Equilibrium", 1974, Thames Papers in PE.
- "The Unimportance of Reswitching", 1975, QJE.
- "What Are the Questions?", 1977, JEL.
- "Employment and the Choice of Technique", 1977, Society and
- "The Labour Theory of Value", 1977, MLR.
- Contributions to Modern Economics, 1978.
- "Keynes and Ricardo", 1978, JPKE.
- "Morality and Economics", 1978, Challenge.
- The Generalization of the General Theory and Other Essays, 1979.
- "Kalecki and the Economics of Capitalism", 1977, Oxford
Bulletin of Statistics.
- "Thinking About Thinking", 1979,
- "Keynes Today", with F. Cripps, 1979, JPKE.
- Aspects of Development and Underdevelopment, 1979.
- "Garegnani on Effective Demand", 1979, Cambridge JE.
- What Are the Questions? And other essays, 1980.
- Collected Economic Papers, six volumes, 1951-1980.
- "Misunderstandings in the Theory of Production", 1982, in Feiwel,
editor, Samuelson and Modern Economics.
- "The Arms Race", 1982, in McMurrin, editor, Tanner Lectures
on Human Values.
- "The Economics of Destruction", 1983, MLR.
- "The Theory of Normal Prices and Reconstruction of Price Theory",
1985, in Feiwel, editor, Issues in Contemporary Macroeconomics.
- "Ideology and Logic", with F. Wilkinson, 1985, in Vicarelli,
editor, Keynes's Relevance Today.