Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924
Profesor de economie politica la Cambridge, Marea Britanie,
este fondatorul Scolii de la Cambridge. Se considera a fi precursorul economiei
bunastariidin moment ce obiectivul sau exlicit in analiza economica este gasirea
unei solutii la problemele sociale.
economia clasicilor cu aporturile marginaliste ale contemporanilor sai,
realizeaza o sinteza in care cauta si evidentiaza motivele si nevoile de ordin
partial. Este cunoscuta comparatia sa intre foarfece si cum sunt determinate
preturile la intalnirea cererii cu oferta. "Ar fi destul de normal sa
vorbim - spune - daca este cutitul de sus sau cel de jos cel care taie hartia,
daca este utilitatea sau costul productiei cel care determina valoarea".
- "Mr Jevons's Theory of Political Economy",
1872, Academy.
- "A
Note on Jevons" , 1874, Academy.
- The Economics of Industry, con Mary Paley
Marshall, 1879.
- The Pure Theory of Foreign Trade, 1879.
- The Pure Theory of Domestic Values, 1879.
- The Present Position of Economics, 1885.
- "Remedies for Fluctuations of General Prices",
1887, Contemporary Review
- Principles of Economics: an introductory text,
1890. - (Books
1 to 6).
- "Some Aspects of Competition", 1891, Report
of British Association for Advancement of Science.
- Elements of the Economic of Industry, 1892.
- "The Poor Law in Relation to State-Aided Pensions",
1892, EJ
- "On
Rent" , 1893, EJ.
- "The Old Generation of Economists and the New",
1897, QJE.
- "Mechanical and Biological Analogies in Economics",
1898, EJ.
- "Distribution and Exchange", 1898, EJ.
- A Plea for the Creation of a Curriculum in Economics
and Associated Branches of Political Science, 1902.
- "The Social Possibilities of Economic Chivalry",
1907, EJ.
- "National Taxation After the War", 1917, in
Dawson, editor, After-War Problems.
- Industry and Trade, 1919.
- Money, Credit and Commerce, 1923.