Leonid Hurwicz ( 1917-2008 )
Premio Nobel
Leonid Hurwicz nació en Moscú, Rusia, en 1917, de una familia de judíos polacos que acababan de llegar como refugiados. Poco después, su familia volvió a Varsovia. En 1938 se graduó en la Universidad de Varsovia y después se fue a estudiar a la London School of Economics. Durante la guerra se refugió en Suiza, desplazándose después a Portugal y los Estados Unidos. Fue ciudadano estadounidense. Se murió el 24 de junio de 2008 en Minneapolis.
Fue profesor emérito en la Universidad de Minnesota. Obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Economía en 2007, compartido con Eric S. Maskin y Roger B. Myerson por "haber sentado las bases de la teoría de diseño de mecanismos".

La Teoría del Diseño de Mecanismos, en el marco de la Teoría de Juegos, es el arte de diseñar reglas de juego para obtener un resultado específico. Se trata de establecer estructuras que incentivan a los jugadores para que se comporten según los objetivos del diseñador.
Fue miembro de la National Academy of Sciences y de la American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Fue presidente de la Econometric Society.
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Leonid Hurwicz: La Teoría del Comportamiento Económico
- "Stochastic Models of Economic Fluctuations", 1944, Econometrica
- "The Theory of Economic Behavior", 1945, AER.
- "Theory of the Firm and of Investment", 1946, Econometrica
- "What Has Happened to the Theory of Games?", AER
- "Reduction of Constrained Maxima to Saddle-Point Problems" with K.J.Arrow, 1956,
Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium
- "Gradient Methods for Constrained Maxima", with K.J. Arrow, 1957, Operations
- Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming with K.J.Arrow and Hirofumi Uzawa,
- "On the Stability of Competitive Equilibrium I", with K.J. Arrow, 1958,
- "On the Stability of Competitive Equilibrium, II", with K.J. Arrow, J.D. Block,
1959, Econometrica.
- "Competitive Stability under Weak Gross Substitutability: the Euclidian distance
approach" with K.J. Arrow, 1960, IER.
- "Some Remarks on the Equilibria of Economic Systems" with K.J. Arrow, 1960,
- "Conditions for Economic Efficiency of Centralized and Decentralized Structures",
1960, in Grossman, editor, Value and Plan.
- "Optimality and Informational Efficiency in Resource Allocation", 1960, in Arrow,
Karlin and Suppes, editors, Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences.
- "Constraint Qualifications in Non-Linear Programming", with K.J. Arrow and H.
Uzawa, 1961, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
- "On the Problem of Integrability of Demand Functions", 1971, in Chipman et al,
editors, Preferences, Utility and Demand.
- "On the Integrability of Demand Functions", with H. Uzawa, 1971, in Chipman et
al, editors, Preferences, Utility and Demand.
- "Revealed Preference without Demand Continuity Assumptions", with M.K. Richter,
1971, in Chipman et al, editors, Preferences, Utility and Demand.
- "Centralization and Decentralization in Economic Processes", 1971, in Eckstein,
editor, Computation of Economic Systems.
- "On Informationally Decentralized Systems", 1971, in McGuire, and Radner,
editors, Decision and Organization.
- "The Design of Mechanism for Resource Allocation", 1973, AER.
- Studies in Resource Allocation Processes, with K.J. Arrow, 1977.
- "On the Dimensional Requirements of Informationally Decentralized
Pareto-Satisfactory Processes", 1977, JET.
- "Ville Axioms and Consumer Theory", with M.K. Richter, 1978, Econometrica
- "Construction of Outcome Functions guaranteeing Existence and Pareto-optimality
of Nash Equilibria", with D. Schmeidler, 1979, Econometrica .
- "Outcome Functions Yielding Walrasian and Lindahl Allocations at Nash
Equilibrium Points", 1979, RES.
- "On Allocations Attainable through Nash Equilibria", 1979, JET.
- "Incentive Aspects of Decentralization", 1986, in Arrow and Intriligator,
editors, Handbook of Mathematical Econ - Vol. III - intro
- "On the Stability of the Tatonnement Approach to Competitive Equilibrium", 1986,
in Sonnenschein, editor, Models of Economic Dynamics
- "On the Implementation of Social Choice Rules in Irrational Societies", 1986, in
Heller et al., editors, Essays in Honor of Kenneth J. Arrow, Vol. I
- "Discrete allocation mechanisms: Dimensional requirements for
resource-allocation mechanisms when desired outcomes are unbounded.", with T.
Marschak, 1985, J of Complexity
- "Approximating a function by choosing a covering of its domain and k points from
its range", with T. Marschak, 1988, J of Complexity
- "Implementation and Enforcement in Institutional Modeling", 1993, in Barnett et
al., editors, Political Economy
- "Feasible Nash Implementation of Social Choice Rules When the Designer Does not
Know Endowment or Production Sets" with E. Maskin and A. Postlewaite, 1995, in
Ledyard, editor, Economics of Informational Decentralization