El economista japonés Hirofumi Uzawa ha sido declarado por el emperador de su paÃs "tesoro nacional viviente". Nacido en la Prefectura de Tottori, se graduó en EconomÃa y Matemáticas por la Universidad de Tokio.
Sus escritos suelen estar muy formalizados en la tradición walrasiana. Su aportación más conocida es el modelo de crecimiento de dos sectores que propuso en 1961 y que fue el inicio de una intensa investigación por los especialistas en crecimiento económico durante la década de los sesenta.
Actualmente es profesor de EconomÃa en la Universidad CHUO, Profesor del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas y Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Tokio.
ESTAS FUERON SUS PALABRAS "En 1891 el problema eran los abusos del capitalismo y las ilusiones del socialismo; cien años después el problema es el de los abusos del socialismo y las ilusiones del capitalismo" Hirofumi Uzawa, Social and ethical aspects of economics -a colloquium in the Vatican-, Pontificial council for justice and peace, Vatican city, 1991."On Preferences and Axioms of Choice", 1956, Annals of Statistical Mathematics.
"On the Rational Selection of Decision Functions", 1957, Econometrica.
"On the Menger-Wieser Theory of Imputation", 1958, ZfN.
Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming con K.J.Arrow y Leonid Hurwicz, 1958.
"Prices of Factors of Production in International Trade", 1959, Econometrica.
"Locally Most Powerful Rank Tests for Two-Sample Problems", 1960, Annals of Mathematical Statistics.
"Preference and Rational Choice in the Theory of Consumption", 1960, en Arrow, Karlin y Suppes, eds, Mathematical Models in Social Science.
"Walras' Tatonnement in the Theory of Exchange", 1960, RES.
"Market Mechanisms and Mathematical Programming", 1960, Econometrica.
"Stability and Non-Negativity in a Walrasian Adjustment Process" con H. Nikaido, 1960.
"Constraint Qualifications in Non-Linear Programming", con K.J. Arrow y L. Hurwicz, 1961, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
"On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth, I", 1961, RES.
"Natural Inventions and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium", 1961, RES.
"The Stability of Dynamic Processes", 1961, Econometrica
"On the Stability of Edgeworth's Barter Process", 1962, IER.
"Walras's Existence Theorem and Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem", 1962, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Aggregative Convexity and the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium", 1962, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Production Functions with Constant Elasticities of Substitution", 1962, RES.
"On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth, II", 1963, RES.
"On Separability in Demand Analysis", con S.M. Goldman, 1964, Econometrica.
"On Professor Solow's Model of Technical Progress", 1964, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector Model of Capital Accumulation", 1964, RES.
"Duality Principles in the Theory of Cost and Production", 1964, IER.
"On an Akerman-Wicksellian Model of Capital Accumulation", with T. Yasui, 1964 Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Optimum Technical Change in an Aggregative Model of Economic Growth", 1965, IER.
"Patterns of Trade and Investment in a Dynamic Model of International Trade", with H. Oniki, 1965, RES.
"On a Neoclassical Model of Economic Growth", 1966, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Market Allocation and Optimum Growth", Australian EP.
"The Penrose Effect and Economic Growth", 1968, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Time Preference, the Consumption Function and Optimum Asset Holdings", 1968, en Wolfe, editor, Value, Capital and Growth.
"Time Preference and the Penrose Effect in a Two-Class Model of Economic Growth", 1969, JPE.
"Optimum Fiscal Policy in an Aggregative Model of Economic Growth", 1969, in Adelman and Thorbecke, editors, Theory and Design of Economic Development.
"On the Integrability of Demand Functions", con L. Hurwicz, 1971, in Preferences, Utility and Demand.
"Diffusion of Inflationary Processes in a Dynamic Model of International Trade", 1971, Economic Studies Quarterly.
"Towards a Keynesian Model of Monetary Growth", 1973, en Mirrlees y Stern, eds, Models of Economic Growth.
"Optimum Investment in Social Overhead Capital", 1974, en Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems.
"La theorie economique du capital collectif social", 1974, Cahier d'econometrie et economique.
"On the Dynamic Stability of Economic Growth", 1974, en Trade, Stability and Growth.
"Disequilibrium Analysis and Keynes's General Theory", 1976.
Preference, Production and Capital: Selected papers of Hirofumi Uzawa., 1988.
Optimality, Equilibrium and Growth: Selected papers of Hirofumi Uzawa, 1988.
An Endogenous Rate of Time Preference, the Penrose effect, and dynamic optimality of environmental quality, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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