Grandes Economistas
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Nancy L. Stokey
gradúa en económicas en la University of Pennsylvania, en 1972, y obtiene el
doctorado en la Harvard University, en 1978. Stokey es profesora en la
Universidad de Chicago.
Obras de Nancy L. Stokey
- "Intertemporal Price Discrimination", 1979, QJE
- "A Life-Cycle Model of the Linear Income Tax",
1980, RES
- "Job Differentiation and Wages", 1980, QJE
- "Rational Expectations and Durable Goods Pricing",
1981, Bell JE
- "Information, Trade and Common Knowledge" con
P. Milgrom, 1982, JET
- "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Economy
without Capital", con R.E. Lucas, 1983, JME
- "A Comparison of Tournaments and Contests",
con J. Green, 1983, JPE
- "Optimal Growth with Many Consumers", con R.
E. Lucas, 1984, JET
- "The Importance of the Period of Commitment in
Dynamic Games", with J.F.Reinganum, 1985, IER
- "The Economics of Industry-Wide Learning",
1986, in Heller et al., editors, Equilibrium Analysis.
- "Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy",
con R. E. Lucas, 1987, Econometrica
- "Learning-by-Doing and the Introduction of New
Goods", 1988, JPE
- "Reputation and Time Consistency", 1989, AER
- Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics, with R.
E. Lucas, 1989.
- "The Volume and Composition of Trade Between Rich
and Poor Countries" 1991, RES.
- "Credible Public Policy" 1991, JEDC
- "Human Capital, Product Quality, and Growth",
1991, QJE
- "Introduction: Symposium on Economic Growth,
Theory and Computations", with L. E. Jones, 1992, JET
- "Growth Effects of Flat-Rate Taxes" with S.
Rebelo, 1995, JPE
- "R&D and Economic Growth", 1995, RES
- "Free Trade, Factor Returns, and Factor
Accumulation", 1996, J of Econ Growth
- "Are There Limits to Growth?", 1998, IER