
Robert William Fogel ( 1926- )

Premio Nobel 1993

Robert William Fogel estudió en las Universidades de Cornell y Columbia, doctorándose en la de John Hopkins. Ha sido profesor de Historia Económica en las Universidades de Rochester, Chicago, Harvard y Cambridge. Obtiene el Premio Nobel de Economía en 1993 compartido con Douglass C. North por haber renovado la investigación de la historia económica aplicando la teoría económica y métodos cuantitativos para explicar el cambio económico e institucional.


  • Fogel, Robert W. "Forword; The American Economic Review" May 1998.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "A Theory of Technophysio Evolution, with Some Implications for Forecasting Population, Health Care Costs, and Pension Costs." Costa, Dora L. Demography. February 1997. p.49-66.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "The Relevance of Malthus for the Study of Mortality Today: Long-Run Influences on Health, Mortality, Labor Force Participation, and Population Growth." NBER working papers. March 1994.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy." NBER working paper, February 1994. p.26.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy." American Economic Review. June 1994. p.369-95.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Bibliography of Robert W. Fogel's Publications, 1960-1994." Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 1994. p.181-84.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Early Indicators of Later Work Levels, Disease, and Death." Wimmer, Larry T.; June 1992. p.34.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Toward a New Synthesis on the Role of Economic Issues in the Political Realignment of the 1850's." NBER working paper, January 1992.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "The Conquest of High Mortality and Hunger in Europe and America: Timing and Mechanisms." Favorites of Fortunes: Technology, Growth, and Economic Development since the Industrial Revolution,1991. p.33-71.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "New Sources and New Techniques for the Study of Secular Trends in Nutritional Status, Health, Mortality, and the Process of Aging." NBER working papers, May 1991.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Modeling Complex Dynamic Interactions: The Role of Intergenerational, Cohort, and Period Processes and of Conditional Events in the Political Realignment of the 1850's." NBER working paper, March 1990. p.63.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Second thoughts on the European escape from hunger: famines, price elasticities, entitlements, chronic malnutrition, and mortality rates" NBER working paper series on historical factors in long-run growth; working paper no. 1 Working paper series on historical factors in long-run growth (National Bureau of Economic Research) Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1989.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Some Notes on the Scientific Methods of Simon Kuznets." NBER working paper, December 1987.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Nutrition and the Decline in Mortality Since 1700: Some Preliminary Findings." NBER working paper, July 1984.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Slave Agriculture in the Antebellum South: Reply."; Engerman, Stanley L.; American Economic Review. Sept. 1980. p.672-90.

  • Fogel, Robert W.; Hughes, Jonathan R. T.; Mokyr, Joel; Cain, Louis P.; Harley, Charles K. "Introduction" Journal of Economic History; v38 n1 Mar 1978, pp. 1-2.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Slave Agriculture in the Antebellum South"; Engerman, Stanley L. Source: American Economic Review. June 1977. p.275-96.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "Current Directions in Economic History." Journal of Economic History. March 1972. p.1-2.
  • Fogel, Robert W. "Quantitative Economic History: An Interim Evaluation Past Trends and Present Tendencies." Fishlow, Albert; Journal of Economic History. March 1971. p.15-42.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "The Relative Efficiency of Slavery: A Comparison of Northern and Southern Agriculture in 1860." Engerman, Stanley L.; Explorations in Economic History. Spring 1971. p.353-67.

  • Fogel, Robert W. "A Model for the Explanation of Industrial Expansion during the Nineteenth Century: With an Application to the American Iron Industry." Engerman, Stanley L.; Journal of Political Economy. May/June 1969. p.306-28.