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Morishima, 1923-2004
(También escrito Mishio Morishima) Nacido
en Osaka y educado en la Universidad de Kyoto. Profesor en la Universidad de
Kyoto (1950) y en la de Osaka (1951). Obtiene una ayuda de la Rockefeller
Foundation que le permite visitar durante dos años las Universidades de Oxford
y Yale. Se traslada definitivamente al Reino Unido en 1968, como profesor de
Economía, primero en la Universidad de Essex (1968-70) y finalmente en la
London School of Economics.

Morishima es un economista matemático. Combina métodos
de la teoría del equilibrio general competitivo, con el análisis input-output
y de la dinámica económica para estudiar el crecimiento económico. Entusiasta del
modelo de expansión económica de John von Neumann,
ha dedicado mucho esfuerzo a revisitar teorías de otros economistas -Ricardo,
Marx, Walras y Hicks-
desde el punto de vista de von Neumann.
Ha ayudado también al conocimiento mutuo entre las
culturas económicas anglosajonas y del Japón.
Falleció el 13 de julio de 2004, a los 80 años de edad
Otras obras de Michio Morishima
- "On the Laws of Change of the Price System in an Economy which
Contains Complementary Goods", 1952, Osaka EP.
- "Consumer Behavior and Liquidity Preference", 1952,
- "An Analysis of the Capitalist Process of Reproduction", 1956, Metroeconomica.
- "Notes on the Theory of Stability of Multiple Exchange", 1957, RES.
- "A Contribution to the Non-Linear Theory of the Trade Cycle",
1958, ZfN.
- "A Dynamic Analysis of Structural Change in a Leontief Model",
1958, Economica.
- "Prices Interest and Profits in a Dynamic Leontief System",
1958, Econometrica.
- "Some Properties of a Dynamic Leontief System with a Spectrum of
Techniques", 1959, Econometrica.
- "Existence of Solution to the Walrasian System of Capital Formation
and Credit", 1960, ZfN.
- "On the Three Hicksian Laws of Comparative Statics", 1960, RES.
- "A Reconsideration of the Walras-Cassel-Leontief Model of General
Equilibrium", 1960, en Arrow, Karlin y Suppes, editores, Mathematical
Methods in the Social Sciences.
- "Economic Expansion and the Interest Rate in Generalized von Neumann
Models", 1960, Econometrica.
- "Proof of a Turnpike Theorem: The `No Joint Production' Case",
1961, RES.
- "Aggregation in Leontief Matrices and the Labor Theory of Value",
with F. Seton, 1961, Econometrica.
- "Generalizations of the Frobenius-Wielandt Theorems for Non- Negative
Square Matrices", 1961, J of London Mathematical Society.
- "The Stability of Exchange Equilibrium: An alternative approach",
1962, IER.
- Equilibrium, Stability and Growth: A multi-sectoral analysis, 1964.
- "A Refutation of the Non-Switching Theorem", 1966, QJE.
- "A Few Suggestions on the Theory of Elasticity", 1967, Keizai
- Theory of Economic Growth, 1969.
- "A Generalization of the Gross Substitute System", 1970, RES.
- "Consumption-Investment Frontier, Wage-Profit Frontier and the von
Neumann Growth Equilibrium", 1971, ZfN.
- The Working of Econometric Models, with others, 1972.
- Marx's Economics: A dual theory of value and growth, 1973.
- Theory of Demand: Real and monetary with others, 1973.
- The Economic Theory of Modern Society, 1973.
- "The Frobenius Theorem, Its Solow-Samuelson Extension and the Kuhn-Tucker
Theorem", con T. Fujimoto, 1974, JMathE.
- Walras's Economics: A pure theory of capital and money, 1977.
- Value, Exploitation and Growth with G. Catephores, 1978.
- "The Cournot-Walras Arbitrage Resource Consuming Exchange and
Competitive Equilibrium", con M. Majumdar, 1978 in Hommage a
Francois Perroux.
- "The Good and Bad Uses of Mathematics", 1984, in Wiles and Routh,
editors, Economics in Disarray.
- Economics of Industrial Society, 1984.
- Ricardo's Economics, 1989.
- Why Has Japan Succeeded? Western technology and the Japanese ethos.
- "General Equilibrium Theory in the 21st Century", 1991, EJ.
- Capital and Credit: A new formulation of general equilibrium theory,
- "Capital and Growth", 1994,
en Homouda, The Legacy of Hicks.
- Dynamic Economic Theory, 1996.