Jacob Viner, 1892-1970
Nascut in Canada, Viner
conduce impreuna cu Knight Scoala de la Chicago
in timpul perioadei interbelice. Lucreaza in diferite campuri, dar se
evidentiaza in mod special in istoria gandirii economice si in teoria comertului
Viner s-a opus si criticat analiza teoretica a lui Keynes in ciuda faptului ca a fost de acord cu implicatiile sale politice. In 1933 Viner a semnalat necesitatea deficitelor fiscale pentru a depasi marea recesiune si a fost in favoarea masurilor discretionare decat pentru cele fixe. Totusi a criticat analiza keynesiana a preferintei pentru lichiditate, pe care o considera o teorie foarte simplista a cererii agregate. Considera ca keynesismul putea fi valabil "pe termen scurt" dar ca teoria neoclasica avea dreptate "pe termen lung".
Viner a avut aporturi interesante si in domeniul microeconomiei, studiind determinarea preturilor pietei si relatiile dintre curbele costurilor si curbele ofertei pe termen lung si scurt. El a fost cel care a comis una din greselile colosale dintre cele mai cunoscute in istoria economiei. I-a cerut colaboratorului sau, Y.K. Wong, sa deseneze o curba a costurilor pe termen lung care sa fie tangenta cu curba costurilor pe termen scurt in punctele minime; cum ajutorul sau nu a putut realiza ceea ce i s-a cerut, Viner a comentat la publicarea articolului ca graficul aparea de forma nemultumitoare din cauza neindemanarii ajutorului, fara a-si da seama ca stangaci nu era ajutorul ci el insusi, ce cerea un lucru matematic imposibil de realizat.
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Lucrari ale lui Jacob Viner
- "Some Problems of Logical Method in Political Economy", 1917, JPE
- "Price Policies: the determination of market price", 1921.
- Dumping: A problem in international trade, 1923.
- Canada's Balance of International Indebtedness: 1900- 1913, 1924.
- "The Utility Concept in Value Theory and its Critics", 1925, JPE.
- "Adam Smith and Laissez-Faire", 1927, JPE
- "The Present Status and Future Prospects of Quantitative Economics", 1928, AER
- "Mills' Behavior of Prices", 1929, QJE
- "Costs Curves and Supply Curve", 1931, ZfN.
- "The Doctrine of Comparative Costs", 1932, WWA
- "Inflation as a Possible Remedy for the Depression", 1933, Proceedings of Institute of Public Affairs, Univ. of Georgia
- "Mr. Keynes and the Causes of Unemployment", 1936, QJE.
- Studies in the Theory of International Trade, 1937.
- "Marshall's Economics, in Relation to the Man and to his Times", 1941, AER
- Trade Relations Between Free-Market and Controlled Economies, 1943.
- "International Relations between State-Controlled National Economies", 1944, AER.
- "Prospects for Foreign Trade in the Post-War World", 1946, Manchester Statistical Society.
- "Power Versus Plenty as Objectives of Foreign Policy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries", 1948, World Politics
- "Bentham and J.S. Mill: the Utilitarian Background", 1949, AER
- The Customs Union Issue, 1950.
- A Modest Proposal for Some Stress on Scholarship in Graduate Training, 1950 - in format PDF
- International Economics, 1951.
- International Trade and Economic Development, 1952.
- "Review of Schumpeter's History of Economic Analysis", 1954, AER
- "`Fashion' in Economic Thought", 1957, Report of 6th Conference of Princeton Graduate Alumni
- "International Trade Theory and its Present-Day Relevance", 1955, Economics and Public Policy
- The Long View and the Short: Studies in economic theory, 1958.
- "Stability and Progress: the poorer countries' problem", 1958, en Hague, editor, Stability and Progress in the World Economy
- Five Lectures on Economics and Freedom, 1959 (Wabash Lectures, pub. 1991)
- "The Intellectual History of Laissez-Faire", 1960, J Law Econ
- "Hayek on Freedom and Coercion", 1960, Southern EJ
- "Relative Abundance of the Factors and International Trade", 1962, Indian EJ
- "The Necessary and Desirable Range of Discretion to be Allowed to a Monetary Authority", 1962, en Yeager, editor, In Search of a Monetary Constitution
- "Progressive Individualism as Original Sin", 1963, Canadian J of Econ & Poli Sci
- "The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill", 1963, Univ of Toronto Quarterly
- "The Economist in History", 1963, AER
- "The United States as a Welfare State", 1963, en Higgenbotham, editor, Man, Science, Learning and Education
- Problems of Monetary Control, 1964.
- "Comment on my 1936 Review of Keynes", 1964, en Lekachman, editor, Keynes's General Theory
- "Introduction", en J. Rae, Life of Adam Smith, 1965.
- "Adam Smith", 1968, en Sills, editor, International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
- "Mercantilist Thought", 1968, en Sills, editor, International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
- "Man's Economic Status", 1968, en Clifford, editor, Man Versus Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain.
- "Satire and Economics in the Augustan Age of Satire", 1970, en Miller et al, editors, The Augustan Milieu
- The Role of Providence in the Social Order, 1972.
- Religious Thought and Economic Society, 1978.
- Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics, 1991.